Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Alright Mommies Get Specific

I would like your proffesional mommy opinions on a couple things : best baby bottles to use and why, best pacifiers to use, and best gas drops? There thats its fast and simple.


Sina said...

Best baby bottle: the ones with the plastic drop in inserts. Why: one you don't have as much to clean and not as much air in the bottle. The nipples on the bottles are more like what the baby would be used to using if he is breast fed also. Also those areovent bottles are good too, but the vents are hard to get really clean. I didn't really use a pacifier with either kid so can't help you there and it's usually what the baby prefers. Gas Drops, it starts with an M.

Suzie said...

I used Avent bottles & they worked great for Riley who nursed & bottle fed. They claim, like many other company's, that they are shaped the most like a momma, but who knows. Neither of my kids took a bink. I always buy the generic gas drops that have the same amount of whatever main ingredient is in Mylecon

Kara said...

I loved the avent bottles and if you decide to use them I have a WHOLE bunch that you can be the proud owner of!! Binks depend on the baby! Wade used the hospital kind and annie used the Nuk!

Ti'ana said...

are the avent bottles ok with the bpa thing?

Suzie said...

You will also want to get some lanolin if you are going to be nursing. I used a lot with Ry, not so much with Sam, but I would have some on hand either way.
PS, what's the bpa thing?

Ti'ana said...

Bisphenol A, a toxic chemical that is in some plastic.

Torrie said...

Advent is not okay with the whole new bpa thing. my sister has glass bottles for her 4 year old that is still on bottles, a bit scary if you ask me but safer, I'm sure it won't be long until they come up with something as it is the new thing. All my old stuff is the "nasty" plastic that will I"m sure make my kids grow an extra toe. I don't worry about it so much as I mostly nurse. I use Advent, love the generic gas drops like suzie says, and I don't know about binki's I can't get my kids to really take them