Thursday, August 14, 2008

Gram's and Carol's First Horse Show

My 5 year old niece Carol-Anne has been taking horse riding lessons from my mom and they decided to venture out and participate in an open horse show. Carol has been really excited and has been working hard to prepare like cleaning her tack (funny tidbit that used to be my saddle), riding with gram and practicing technique. Since gram is a total genius at teaching this stuff, Carol has come a long way in one summer. She rides very nice and is very good about remembering and adding onto what she has learned all ready. Carol and Butter (one of papa's roping horses) make a good team. She even got to wear one of Papa's new belt buckles that matched her fancy horse show outfit. I decided it would be fun to go up and watch them on Wednesday morning and see how Gram and Carol did.

The above picture is of Carol and Gram in 6 and under lead line. She was so darn cute. And smiled so big for the judge, look at that great technique her heals are pointed down her right hand over her belly button, left hand holding the split reins perfectly and in the perfect spot, and her center of gravity is right on. Not bad at all for being 5. They ended up winning 2nd place and a trophy. I think I was about this age maybe a year younger when I did my first leadline with my dad. I will have to get an old photo of that and put her and me side by side and have a good laugh at what a dork I was.
This is after she won 5th place in showmanship at halter with gram. I wish you could see her face a bit closer, she was beaming. It was her first ribbon and "golden horse" trophy ever!

Doesn't Butter look so nice and clean? Carol scrubbed and scrubbed with pink soap to make him perfect. The above picture on the right is the judge doing her walk around during showmanship at halter. All in all I was so glad that I went, Carol rode in my car on the way home to grams after, the poor girl was so tired and yet tickled with herself she literally clung to her ribbons hugging them to her chest the entire way home, and kept telling me and everyone else "I got 2 ribbons and red and pink one, and 2 golden horse trophies, that makes 4 right?" Funny girl.


Sina said...

That's my girlo! She still showing off her trophies! She had to sleep with them in her room last night. I finally had to put the ribbons and trophies up because she was hauling them everywhere! I'm so proud of her!

Suzie said...

That is so cute! What fun times!

Torrie said...

that horse is beautiful, I was going to ask about the huge belt cute and your mom is cute too.