Thursday, January 15, 2009


How do you find time to work out with little ones and still get the few precious hours of sleep that they let you have? I have yet to figure this out, when dan was not in the busy season he would watch Jack while I hit the treadmill but what do I do now? I just don't know, I feel like a am ballooning out and this has got to stop, arnt i supposed to shrink with nursing? PLEASE HELP!!!!!


Pamela said...

I hear ya. Everyone swore the weight would melt off while nursing, which was only true for a few months before the weight was coming back on. So you have a treadmill at your place? Do you have one of those baby backpack things or a sling? Could always strap your baby on, that's what I used to do.

Suzie said...

Now you know why we all look the way we do....

Sina said...

you could always have Jack in his swing or bouncer next to the treadmill while you run. I dunno.

Ti'ana said...

i try that sometimes it works sometimes it doesnt

Just the 3 of us. said...

I don't rally know if thos will help, but for me I usually put Ryder down for a nap or for bed at night and then get in my walking on the treadmill.

john deere said...

Please fill me in when you get it figured out. I have really been struggling since my 3rd child. The weight just is not coming off as easy as it used to.

Caboose said...

did jason really write that?

Suzie said...

Yes Dan, haven't you noticed Jas's belly just is not going down since their 3rd was born... it's a crying shame I tell ya.