Sunday, September 21, 2008

Last Day of Work

Alrighty then today is my official last day of work!!!!!! SOOO exciting. Here is a little recap of what I did today:

First 4 hours as a nurse's elfin helper: WARNING DOES CONTAIN SOME GRAPHIC CONTENT

1. greeted my patients and found their needs
2. had a good bye junk food party with apple pie chips and salsa brownies....
3. took a blood glucose
4. took vital signs and emptied 4 foley catheters, 3 JP drains, 2 urinals, 1 wound manager, and changed 2 briefs
5. took 3 more blood glucose
6. changed a nasty bed, cleaned a basketball size scrotom smeared in diarrhea and urine
7. placed a foley catheter
8. charted

Second 4 hours as a health unit coordinator (HUC):

1. answered ~6 phone calls
2. surfed the web, blogs, email, news
3. did the census
4. programed the phones
5. played who wants to be a millionare
6. played chuzzle for 1 hour
7. watched the clock tick tock tick tock tick tock

Well what do you think? Can you see why it was much nicer being a HUC than a nurse assistant? All I can say is I am excited for 11:00 to come around. Only about 15 more mintues then im free as a bird. Off to my little condo to pack pack pack.

1 comment:

Suzie said...

Doesn't it feel so good to be done with work? This is a good post for those days when you're bored at home, or going crazy with kids, you'll remember why it's still MUCH better than working!