Saturday, September 6, 2008

Sept 5 Black Friday

So the last couple days have been interesting to say the least. I worked till midnight on Wednesday came home and slept till 7:30. I had to get up to go to my regular doctors checkup. I got in the shower where i then proceeded to vomit my guts out. I clogged the drain it was disgusting. After some draino and some instructions from Dan (he was close to puking from the sight and sound of it) I finished showering and decided to head to the docs office in hope of some anti nausea medication relief. Upon checking in I had to ask the clerk for something I could catch my puke in. So then I was lugging around a garbage bag with tears streaming down my face because I felt so terrible and embarrassed. The medical assistant took me back and weighed me (back on track HURRAY) took my blood pressure which was a little high and checked it again and the second time was more normal. I then pittled in a cup and we found some protein in my urine once again. I told her how I was feeling and that it just came on this morning. I was waiting for my doc with tears streaming down my face while I sat there dry heaving into my garbage bag, she comes in a little shocked and says so I hear you are not feeling well. Whats wrong? is there something else bothering you, is everything fine at home? I sad yes everything is fine except i want to puke my insides out. She says Ive never seen you like this you are usually so stoic. So she asks me a billion questions to make sure I'm not having preterm labor symptoms or gall bladder issues or preeclampia pain. Then she listens to my heart rate which is racing and then the Jack who's heart rate is also a little high. But my temp is normal. She tells me she is sending me to the OB emergency services to get some fluid into me because I am dehydrated and my heart rate is too high and she wants to get the vomiting under control. They gave me a shot of phenergan to help relieve the nausea while I head up there. It didn't work. Up at the OB ER they took my vitals and put on the fetal monitor drew some labs and put in an IV. And I puked. So we wait for a little bit while I get my first liter of fluid, and a I puke. So they decide to give me some Zofran to help with nausea. I didn't work. So I puke. At this point I was in the OB ER for 2 hours and I think I should probably call Dan and tell him whats up and that I will need him to pick me up and drive me home cause I cant do it myself when they release me. Finally I felt like I needed to pittle again so I go to the restroom and get a sample for them. The nurse tells me that my labs look alright just my white cell count is up a little. Dan shows up and is mildly freaked out by the situation apparently I am not doing ok if I have an IV in according to him. So a little bit later I feel sick like I need to go to the bathroom or puke so we head to the bathroom upon returning I decided it would be fun to puke. So they shot me up with more phenergan which made me feel even worse and just sick and tired. So I puke again. At this point Ive had about 4.5 liters of fluid already and there is no end in sight. So they decide to give me the heavy duty nausea med Regalin (used on cancer patients) and finally about 5:00 I stopped vomiting, although I still felt nauseated. Its an improvement right? But the doc didn't feel comfortable sending me home not being able to eat or drink so they decided to admit me. Around 6:30 we are in our new comfy room and a normal bed that I can lay on and moan and groan. They now give me Zofran to keep on top of the nausea which did help. What didn't help was the diarrhea that happened all night long. but no vomiting so i should be grateful. Dan went home late I decided to try to get some sleep. I slept for a for an hour till they took my vitals pulse is still high but blood pressure low around 97/57. I fall asleep till for when they do vitals again bp 103/49 and pulse about 105. Getting a little better. At this point I'm starting to feel a lot better and actually feel nausea free with the medication. At 5 they draw more labs. At 6 the resident comes in for a chat and says that if I feel fine and can hold down food and water I can go home later today. Jack is doing great, wiggly as ever and a good heart beat. And I'm on a good path to recovery. So I guess we will just sit in here and wait till I can leave. I have already kept down some sprite and toast. So that's the update, pregnancy pictures will have to wait a little longer to be posted. I missed my breast feeding class this morning and I don't think we are going to make it to the ward party bbq, so much for being on the activities committee.


Sina said...

um worried about you! I just left you a message. Let me know if I can do anything for you. I love you and get better T!

Suzie said...

So are you home now? Sorry I've been a bad sil & haven't kept on top of things. Do you need me to come help out at the house at all? Call if so, I'll be over. By Monday PM, we should be back to normal life.

Brooke said...

Oh Tianna! I'm so sorry cute girl. I hope you are feelign better! What a way to spend a day. Hang in there!

Pamela said...

No fun! Do they have any ideas as to what causes it?

That regalin makes you feel so sleepy and crappy doesn't it??? That's what they had to put me on about 15 weeks along until Spencer was born and it just makes you feel like a zombie doesn't it?!

I'm glad you're feeling better, scary :S Not much longer and you won't have to deal with that any more and you'll have your little Jack to snuggle.

Torrie said...

I'm so sorry that is stinky, literally. Sounds like food poisioning or something??? What scary foods did you eat at work the night before? I"m so glad you are feeling better...yikes.

Ti'ana said...

Suzie you have been a great sil, sorry you had to drive my itty bitty car home. you had a CRAZY weekend. The cause was most likely some nasty bug going around, I think its crazy and pathetic that I basically was hospitalized for the flu, but whatever. Actually the regalin did the most good for me, it was the phenergan that made me want to die.