Our sweet baby Luke Richard Miller arrived in fashion today. He is a healthy little boy 8 pounds 1 ounce and 21.5 inches. Here is our CrAzY story....
I woke up at midnight having a few irregular contractions. I was thinking "stupid braxton hicks, they are so annoying, I can't even sleep totally." Fast forward to 2 a.m. The contractions started a little more regularly about 6 min apart, but they weren't progressing so I was just annoyed thinking this is false labor and I am losing precious sleep. About 3:30 Dan came out to see if I was ok, i told him I was fine just false labor. Around 4 I decided to take a hot bath to see if it would stop already. It didnt seem to help, but when I was standing up I had more frequent small contractions, when I layed down after the tub they spread out but were longer. So I was thinking this is pretty irregular this cannot be real labor, if I go in they will send me home. Dan was getting worried so he suggested we call his parents that live in Menan (25 min away) to head over since they would have to get up and drive here. I said no lets wait a few and see if they progress at all. After a bit I said ok fine lets call, still thinking we would go to the hospital and they would either send me home or I would have forever to go, or I could wait till my doctor appointment at 10:50 in the morning and see what the dr says. So we call mom and dad, and in the 30 minutes it took them to get to our house I went from thinking it was false labor to knowing the baby was starting to come out. I had dan pack up the car while we waited, Jack woke up and layed on the couch wondering what was going on. He lovingly asked "momma tummy hurt," then he let me know his tummy really hurt have a cookie and milk??? So dan and I jump in the car when they get to our house and I am really starting to wonder if we will make it in time. I tell dan as we pull out "please SPEED!" So we are zooming down ammon road at about 65mph, and I tell dan speed but don't get pulled over. By the time we get to 17th street I am yelling in the car OH NO OH NO BABY DONT COME OUT PLEASE WAIT OH NO OUCH OUCH OH MY GOSH!!!! So dan is now REALLY speeding down and running all the red lights, luckily there were very few cars, we have our flashers on the car going and this is when he knows that if a cop does try to pull us over he is just going to have to chase us down to the hospital. We part right at the front door of the hospital with our flashers on and leave the car sitting there. Dan runs ahead of me and tells admitting that I am having a baby RIGHT NOW! They tell us to go right upstairs. We take the elevator and these contractions are right on top of eachother and I can feel the baby's head coming. We get to the nurse station and they hussle me to a room and inbetween contractions we rip off my clothes and get me in bed. This is when I tell the nurse the baby is coming the baby is coming, and she is trying to tell me to calm down and to breath, keep trying to breath. I am having so many contractions she can't get the monitor to read the baby's heart so she is concerned and asking me to roll over, and I am stuck on my side ripping the arm rail off the bed in pain, trying to explain I am having the baby NOW!!!! She checks me and knows I am having the baby NOW! She asks me if I was planning a natural birth and I say NOOOOO!!! She says its too late for anything, there was barely enough time to get an IV in. So I had to do it all natural. And I took at her with pleading eyes "are you sure there isnt anything you can give me" she says no its too late he will be he in just a second. Dr Huggins arrives and slips her hands into her gown and delivers the baby. Just like that. HOLY CROW!!!!! We got to the hospital at 5:50 and he was born at 6:05! It was sooooo scary and painful getting over the transition, but it is weird how your body changes and you can go from crying in pain to shaking gripping the bed and knowing it will be ok. Luke had some meconium but they sucked him out and he was just fine. the pediatrician didn't even make it in time. I have noticed a great plus to natural birth is that you recover WAY faster. I got up and showered right away and walked around and got makeup on, and I don't feel so foggy and wasted oddly enough. Later a nurses aide can in to bring me an ice pack and she asked how labor went, I told her fast, and she laughed and said that the nurse had said you came in ripping your clothes off knowing the baby was here. HAHA. We will get pictures up here soon so you can see our little bundle of joy.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Oh dear....
So tonight Jack was sitting at the kitchen table playing a curious George computer game. The game is one where you decorate a pinata with different colors and stamp shapes then when you are done George will hit the pinata and prizes fall out. Anyways its great for jack to learn to use the mouse and coordinate it with the computer, you know fine motor skills. ANYHOW, he was trying to make the pinata a certain color, and you know how sometimes the mouse can be really sensitive, well he was having a hard time getting it right on the color, you have to be really accurate. So he keeps trying to put it on the color and that's when he says matter of factly "DAMMIT!" ...... oh dear.
Baby 2 update
Today is Tuesday.. I have about 5 more days until I am induced... and I have no hope the way things are going that I will have this baby before then. I am still hoping for Oct 1 .... Oct 1..... Oct1..... Oct 1...... we will see how that turns out. Not feeling very hopeful.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Baby 2
One quick update. I am set to be induced Oct 3. I am at a 3 and the doc said she doesn't think I will make it that far. Lets pray she is right. Baby is doing great and sounding healthy. Lets do a poll.. Baby Emmett Richard Miller or Baby Luke Richard Miller? I think we have it pretty much decided on already, but what do you think?
True Love
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