Monday, March 30, 2009


I think I could possibly perish from all this cuteness today....

Scary Daddy = Giggles

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Mini Cupcakes

I found this fun recipe off of, and its true you might just pass out from all the preciousness. These were super easy to make but super time consuming. I delivered 7 plates of them around my neighborhood, hopefully they are edible enough. What you do is bake a cake, put in some frosting, roll into little balls, melt chocolate bark put into candy molds and put in the ball, let it set up then dip into colored chocolate then add sprinkles and an m&m. Easy enough. They ended up being the a little bigger than a small reccess peanut buttercup.

Happy St. Patricks Day...

Well I know this is a couple days late but I do have proof that we were festive (Well I kind of forced festivity on Dan). We ate green waffles and green eggs! YUMMOOO..... or something like that. (I know all of you are looking at this and thinking GRROOOSSSS, and thats okay.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Fraud at them DMV

Since I was at the DMV Dan pointed out to me (about the no credit/debit cards thing) that it is much much easier to commit fraud that way. As you might recall his comment on my last post:

you forgot to mention that your loving husband was at work helping others comply with a ridiculously complicated tax code that our government sees fit to impose upon us. Also people who only accept cash are committing fraud. Seriously it is way easier to commit fraud with cash and checks. That is why it says on all of your bills to not send cash. Some people use the excuse that they dont want to pay the merchant fees on the credit cards but merchant fees are fairly cheap compared to a bounced check fee. Or chasing down the person who bounced the check for that matter.

Since he is in accounting and does audits himself I'm fairly certain he knows what he is talking about. So on with my story, as you might recall I had to go back to the DMV to retake the exam, I really think last time I was just to angry to concentrate because I failed last time and this time I only missed one. Anyways I had Dan come with me on his lunch break and he decided to change his over while he was there also. First you have to pay $3 to take the test, then you have to pay $45 to get you license printed out. So I did both with that cash I made sure I had. When we got in the car to leave Dan asked me if they gave me a reciept for my "purchases" I thought about and said no, they didnt even offer me one. He then began telling me that when he paid he paid in cash also and they took it and gave him his change, he then proceeded in asking for a reciept, the lady looked shocked and went digging for his reciept she threw in the shredder. lol. Dan also says it is WAY easier to commit fraud with such a crumby system like not giving reciepts who knows how they are running things and keeping track of things, so im hoping they have a county auditor here, because I think they should look into things or possibly the county auditor is NOT doing his job very well and they should look into what he spends his time doing. Also to register your car here you can't pay with credit/debit either?? I'm telling you things are smelling a little fishy around here. I'll have to ask Dan to post why it would be easier to commit fraud exactly. Also nobody said anything about Jack today? Very strange indeed. All in all my review on the Bonneville DMV is 0 stars out of 5.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

DMV Nightmare


Seriously this is the MOST annoying thing about Idaho..... I'm sorry we only accept cash or check! SERIOUSLY PEOPLE WHO DOESN'T ACCEPT DEBIT/CREDIT CARDS!!!! I havnt carried cash or checks in like 3 years. Why the sudden anger you might be wondering? Well here is my craptastic day at the DMV... I called to see what I needed to take to change my drivers license over to Idaho they said I needed proof of residentsy, a check stub, lease agreement or utility bill in my name, I told them I dont work and all the bills are in Dan's name, but I have closing papers on my house does that work? She said fine if you dont have anything else that will have to work. So I go in and they say they need to see the title papers that say it is the primary resident, well if you have ever bought a house you know how many papers there are to go through, so I told the lady well here is all the papers you can find it. She said ok I'll just take your word for it. So we fill everything out and she says its going to cost $3, so I whip out my debit card, I NEVER NEVER carry cash or my checks, they are SSOOOO outdated. She says sorry we only take cash or check, So I say fine do you have an ATM, she says its out in the foyer. So I go get money out, at this point I am getting pretty frusterated. I go pay and she says Oh do you have a baby? Yes. How old? 5 months. She leans over her desk and looks and says Well you can only take the test if he is in his carrier and not being disruptive. Well if you want to piss a mom off this is a swell way to do it. So your going to discriminate against me because I have my child with me, and my husband is busy at work so I have the baby, which im sure is true for a lot of people. Not only that but I nurse him so there is no way in china im going to leave him with a sitter, and heck i shouldnt need to get a sitter in the first place to go to the freaking dmv. What is the government going to freaking tell me I cant do next? Oh I cant go to the grocery store because my baby might be disruptive, I cant get my car registered because its disruptive, well let me tell you this government if you are going to tell me I can't bring my baby with me into the DMV then you need to figure out a way to have a seperate testing room for people with children so we dont "disrupt" others. Otherwise you can SHOVE IT. On top of that I missed one to many questions so I have to come back on friday! Well isnt that dandy, So I called my loving husband and said you are coming with me on friday during your lunch break to watch Jack, and if they make any sort of fuss Im pretty sure he is going to rip them a new one and file some complaints. And thats hows its going to go. Have a nice day.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Crazy Time at Church

Today brought a brand new experience for me at church....

Everyone was sitting in Sacrament meeting and we were waiting inbetween testimonies, it was about 5 minutes till the meeting ended. All the sudden a very loud and obnocious beeping occurs and we all realize its the fire alarm. No one does anything we all just look around and the 1st councilor in the bishopric gets up and says for everyone to calmly exit the building, mind you its the middle of winter in Idaho and at least 50% of the people are under 5. So we all get up and grab our keys and blankies and hurridly bundle up our babies and calmly flood out the doors. Most go to wait it out in their cars due to the cold and little ones. It was pretty aparent that there was no fire but they needed to clear the building and check it out. We were laughing and thinking wow some kid is really in trouble. After a bit we head back in and have a quick verse and a prayer to close the meeting. Later we find out what happened and how our Heavenly Father watches over and protects us.....

A woman in Relief Society wasn't feeling very well and soon it escilated to what may have been a heart attack, at about the same time a small girl pulled the fire alarm and sent the paramedics coming.... coincidence? I think not.