Saturday, July 25, 2009

Yum Yum

This was taken before grahm crackers became poison. Although we might be recovering and thinking that maybe they arent so bad.....

Friday, July 24, 2009

The Zoo

When I went down to Utah to see family in June we decided to have a fun day at the zoo. It was fun with all the kids, they all had a pretty fun time even though it was sweltering hot. I've never seen Jack get so dirty in his entire life. Here he is playing on the table while we get lunch ready.

He also had a fun time harassing Aunt Sina. Her hair is just perfect to pull.

This picture reminds me of cousin Ellie. I don't know why, its just does.

We all went on the carosel. Jack thought it was a swell time holding onto the rail thing, Im sure it was covered in all sorts of friendly germs. We got to ride the seal. Kambree and Aunt Stacy had a good time too. Carol of course rode the tiger. I think Carol and John really loved it, and Gram loved watching all the grandkids.

Isn't she darling?? She is so much fun and what a cutie!! Poor little lady got pretty hot though, look at those rosy cheeks.

Jack and Gram, just going around and causing trouble as usual.

John, Carol-Anne, and Aunt Sina really liked looking at all the animals. They were very interested in all we were seeing, especially the giraffes and tiger.

And here is funny little Kambree doing a funny dance to the carosell music, she thought it was pretty fantastic to run around and have a good time.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Im asking for all my readers advice. I seriously don't know what to feed this child. Please help with any and all ideas. It seems that everything I feed him (minus gerber puffs and jello) that has texture he gags and throws up. Today I tried a tiny bit of yogurt and a tiny tiny couple pieces of grilled cheese sandwhich, gag gag puke. He no longer likes to self feed gram crackers and i cant even feed him grahmcrackers, he wont self feed puffs he just plays with them, he wont self feed or really even eat cheerios, he hates toast, he hates gerber meals of any kind except those including sweet potatos like sweet potatos and corn or turkey or chicken, and thats it. He hates green gerber foods. He hates egg. He hates rice. And so, Im a first time mom and I dont know what Im doing and I dont know what to get him to eat or how to get him to feed himself finger foods or drink more often from a sippy cup....... HELP!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Kudos to Kara

As always I give thanks to Karas wonderful genius when it comes to sales and couponing. She is AMAZING! Thanks for the coupons Kara, I was able to get 10 bbq sauces, 20 pounds boneless pork loin, and 30 boxes of mac and cheese for about$18, and saved $70. SWEET. I know you are thinking but wait T doesn't like pork loin?? Well I will tell you this, there is ONE count that again ONE good way to eat BONELESS pork loin:

Cracker Pork Loin

3 pork tender loin
1/2 pkg. Ritz crackers
1/4 pkg. saltine crackers
1 egg

Salt and pepper pork chops, place in beaten egg, coat in crackers (crackers have been smashed in a baggy) cover pan with vegi oil. cook pork loin till golden brown. put in glass dish cover with foil bake at 350 till done (20-30 min). Eat will homemade country gravy.

I never said it was healthy because it certainly isnt but it makes a wonderfully delicious fall/winter chilly night meal. Ok you can have it in summer too, but who likes eating hot food in summer?

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Round and Round the Merry Go Round....

After our fun weekend in JH, Jack and I went to stay at my parents house in Spanish Fork for a week. To exercise the horses my parents have a hot walker:

Its a machine that goes in circles and leads the horse to give them some exercise each day if you dont have time to ride. My parents also have 2 of these on their swing set:

We call these horses "hammerdragons" .... long story. Anyways Gram and Papa thought it would be a great plan to but the hammerdragons on the hot walker as well as one regular baby swing and an orange car baby swing for jack, the very first makeshift Merry Go Round for all the grandkids! Caron and John LOVED it, I loved listening to Carol giggle with delight, Kambree isn't really sure what to think of it. Jack had a ball, I think if i let him he would stay in that thing for hours. He looked like such a little funny duck going around and around with his little cubby legs sticking out the bottom. He would get pretty excited and start kicking his legs and rocking back and forth, and he thought it was pretty fun to hold onto the ropes. Great idea Gram and Papa to keep the kiddos entertained! Patty aren't you excited for what little Oaklee gets to do next summer??

Friday, July 10, 2009

"Camping" and Jackson Hole

Over Fathers day weekend my dad, dan and my brother Mitch went fishing up to Lewis Lake (its a tradition on fathers day). So my mom, Jack, and I decided to tag along and camp in the cabins up at yellowstone while the boys camped. Then while they fished for two days we headed up to Jackson to do some tourists stuff and some shopping. You can neever have to much moose stuff right? Jack thought the hotels were pretty sweet living... chillin in jammies on a bed of pillows, playing with toys while Gram hand feeds me some fudge... yes this camping stuff isnt bad at all. It was fun to go around Jackson and see the sights. I got to stop in my favorite gallery Wild By Nature Gallery and I even got the meet the photographer Henry Holdsworth. Im a big fan, my moose picture that I know EVERYONE loves (haha) is from that gallery. We also stopped by another gallery Under the Willow, featuring the talent of Abby. Well Abby basically brought photography to JH and has been around forever, and knows my grandpa. When we stopped by he was also there so he asked about grandpa and this is how the conversation went:

Abby : Oh yes I know Mike (grandpa) well, he has lived here for years, and did a lot of work on the buildings downtown. You know he lived in star valley before here and has a place there?

My mom: Star Valley? No actually he never lived there, he was in Evanston then Bountiful then Jackson, and has a place here and in evanston and arizona now.

Abby: No he lived in Star Valley before.

My mom: Um no I dont think so he...

Abby: Yes he's from there, he lived in star valley.

My mom: No, I think i would know....

And this is where I couldnt handle this conversation anymore, neither was making much progress in their argument. It was truely hilarious though they honestly just kept going and going, so I felt it was time to end the madness....

Tiana: Mom (with a shake of a head and eyes that are trying to convey a message to stop, similar to those a mother gives her child)

Tiana: Wow I really love that picture.....

and so it ended.
Oh course we had to get pictures by the Elk Antler Arches. True tourists ya know. Saturday afternoon we met the boy in Jackson and got to see how they did on the lake...

They had a ton of fun and caught a bunch of fish. Dan caught the biggest one this year and he was pretty proud! 25 pounds! Which is now frozen and taking up too much space in our freezer while it waits to get stuffed at be Dan's trophy fish on our wall..... they caught a bunch and so we have been eating delicious trout every week. Poor Jack.. I think there is a silly rule about how if your not bigger than the fish you catch you cant go.... or something like that.

Yes, true story, this beast is taking up residence in MY freezer, but I guess its MY freezer or MY wall. It sure was a fun trip.

D.J. Diaper

Yo Yo man whats be more wicked than jamin' with your hawt Bose headphones and killin' the ladies in your jammies? Yo Yo man just call me DJ Diaper.
Headphones with Strunz and Farrah groovin' it..check, puzzle... check, boat... check, Dr. Pepper to keep me going while I study diligently for my Car Parking Attendant (CPA) exam.... double check.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

9 Month Checkup

Wednesday was Jack's 9 month checkup. It went well, no shots, so Jack was pretty happy about that. He now weighs in at 17 pounds 4 ounces. Apparently he completely fell of the weight curve he was following, and is now in the 6th percentile. But if you ask me, or anyone who has seen him for that matter, he is still rolly polly, I don't think he would be considered starved, although he might beg to differ at times. Regardless I have to take him in every month for a weight check. This makes me laugh a little Jack has 2 cousins that are a year older than him and he is pretty close to their size, and Im pretty sure they are absolutly healthy. He is now 26.5 inches tall, he grew 1.5 inches since last time! They said he is still "short", I say ya right. All in all he is healthy and doing great. I am now feeding him more "real" food. Its not going very well. He likes sweet potato puffs and gram crackers. So far he gags on mashed potatos, eggs, toast.. the list goes on, he is SO PICKY! Although he had a taste of bbq sauce, and Aunt Karas sloppy joes and it seemed alright, also jello. Oh and he wont eat anything green, peas.... gag... green beans... gag. So if you wouldnt mind giving me some comments of ideas of what I could feed this child that would be AMAZING!