Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Im asking for all my readers advice. I seriously don't know what to feed this child. Please help with any and all ideas. It seems that everything I feed him (minus gerber puffs and jello) that has texture he gags and throws up. Today I tried a tiny bit of yogurt and a tiny tiny couple pieces of grilled cheese sandwhich, gag gag puke. He no longer likes to self feed gram crackers and i cant even feed him grahmcrackers, he wont self feed puffs he just plays with them, he wont self feed or really even eat cheerios, he hates toast, he hates gerber meals of any kind except those including sweet potatos like sweet potatos and corn or turkey or chicken, and thats it. He hates green gerber foods. He hates egg. He hates rice. And so, Im a first time mom and I dont know what Im doing and I dont know what to get him to eat or how to get him to feed himself finger foods or drink more often from a sippy cup....... HELP!


Suzie said...

So is he just eating a lot of puffs & sweet potato-ish things? What does he fill his little belly with? Does he nurse a ton so he's just not that hungry? I really have no advice as my kids eat me out of house & home on nearly everything... I will ask around and see what I can find out from friends...

Ti'ana said...

no he isnt eating a lot of puffs maybe 8/day. This is what I do, get up nurse him, next time he is hungry around 830 or 9 I feed him a container of fruit with some kind of cereal mixed in it, i usually nurse him again before naptime, at lunchtime I try to feed him any sort of real food which usually fails and after many attempts I feed him some sort of vegetable, I nurse him in the afternoon, for dinner I try some sort of real food again, last night was pureed peas which was a disaster, then peas with sweet potatos which was a no no then just sweet potatos and some cereal mixed in. I nurse him before he goes down for bed. During the day he drinks one sippy cup of juice which is part juice part water. inbetween i occasionaly try to let him eat puffs or crackers or something like that.

Ti'ana said...

also for lunch yesterday i fed him a little bit of yogurt which he tolerated and tiny pieces of grilled cheese which he seemed not to mind the taste and was mushing it around in his mouth fine and the pieces were super small, them he eventually just had one little gag reflex and once he gags just once there is no stopping the puking episode. so i decided to feed him a little more yogurt since its not solid and he wouldnt gag on it, then i changed him after lunch and he puked everywhere everything up.

Sina said...



Hi T! Read these articles, they might help you out a little bit.

Kara said...

You should see if he will eat for Dan. Call you neighbor over and see if they will feed him. Wade WOULD NOT take a bottle for me and so you should just see if it is you!! Good luck! Maybe I will come in and feed him!! You can also try feeding him in a "feeding bottle" They have really big opening in the nipple you should call mom and ask her about it!

Caboose said...

ill have to try others feeding im. It was so weird today i made mashed potatos and i pureed them so there were no chuncks and he was eating it alright. then out of the blue no gagging or anything he threw it all up... so we ate carrots for dinner instead......i just dont know.

Torrie said...

did you get my email...hope things are going better, Ellie will eat something one day and poison the next just like the crackers with Jack, i have found if she is to tired she will not eat anything so i try to feed her right when she wakes up, she is getting way better but that little stinker will only drink water still, only that is it, silly girl, some things you just have to let go, you sound frustrated I hope things are going better, you should just be lazy like me and give up the whole food thing my kids usually don't start eating all the time at meals until they are almost one