Friday, October 9, 2009

Funny Story

So the other day Jack was in the living room playing with toys in the morning, I ran out to the garage to get a package of hamburger out for dinner. The deadbolt was unlocked so i thought both locks were unlocked. I always close the door so Jack doesn't try to escape and fall down the stairs. I go get the hamberger and tried to go back inside... LOCKED. At this point im thanking my lucky stars for not just being in my garments. I run out back to see if by any miracle the sliding door in unlocked... LOCKED. Great, I think, Im stuck outside its 35 degrees, my 1 year old baby is on the loose inside and my phone is inside with him, as well as any spare keys. FRANTIC FRANTIC PANIC. So I run over to the neighbors house, the older lady opens the door and sees me looking like a basket case, I quickly ask if I can use her phone, she looks a little guarded and unsure and looks at me like WHAT?? So I explain my pickle. She lets me in, I call dan and thank my lucky stars again that he anwers his phone. I tell him that I am locked out and I need him to come home to let me in. He laughs. I start to cry even more and say NO, Jack is inside still and Im locked out. He decides this is no laughing matter and says Ok ill be there as quick as I can. So I go around back and Jack comes over and we play funny face on the glass door till dad gets home. I sob the entire time. Dad gets home and we are all saved.

Monday, October 5, 2009


In case you haven't looked outside today, or incase you are unlucky and live down south.. There is SNOW beautiful SNOW today!!!! I knew I would love Idaho.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Happy Birthday Little Man!!

Today we celebrated Jack's birthday. It was so much fun. We had a pretty good turn out and I think everyone had a good time and the cousins seemed to have a blast. When everyone arrived we sang and let Jack have his cake. He wasn't too interested in eating it unless Aunt Kara helped (Aunt Kara is a solid source of sugar).

Cakes are pretty fun to feel. But how do they taste Aunt Kara???.............
Oh so good.Cakes are great...what can I say??
We of course had the party in the garage due to the mess and the number of people. One of the best parts of the party in my opinion was the PUMPKIN PIE and EGG NOG!!! Don't you love the season?? Cause I know I do.

And then we had to do a pumpkin pinata. Jack wasn't so interested in that, and he wasn't very interested in the presents either.... he was in fact interested in the heater. Pinatas are always fun.
And Here is my niece Natalie and my great nephew Gavin (I know... can you believe I am a great Aunt?? I'm getting over the hill...) Obviously jack is 1 year old here, Gavin is about 4 months old. Gavin is 3 ounces heavier and they are the same height. I'm thinking we should enter them in a mini sumo wrestling meet. They are destined to be great buddies.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Today was Jack's 1 year checkup. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JACK!!! Man time really flies. Everything looks good, his weight was 18 pounds 14 ounces which puts him at 4% for weight. His height was 27 inches or 0.4%. Still short, he must take after gram and oupa. I can't believe how much they change in one year.

Jack Charles Miller 5 pounds 16 ounces, 18 1/4 inches
Jack Charles Miller 18 pounds 14 ounces, 27 inches