Tuesday, March 3, 2009

DMV Nightmare


Seriously this is the MOST annoying thing about Idaho..... I'm sorry we only accept cash or check! SERIOUSLY PEOPLE WHO DOESN'T ACCEPT DEBIT/CREDIT CARDS!!!! I havnt carried cash or checks in like 3 years. Why the sudden anger you might be wondering? Well here is my craptastic day at the DMV... I called to see what I needed to take to change my drivers license over to Idaho they said I needed proof of residentsy, a check stub, lease agreement or utility bill in my name, I told them I dont work and all the bills are in Dan's name, but I have closing papers on my house does that work? She said fine if you dont have anything else that will have to work. So I go in and they say they need to see the title papers that say it is the primary resident, well if you have ever bought a house you know how many papers there are to go through, so I told the lady well here is all the papers you can find it. She said ok I'll just take your word for it. So we fill everything out and she says its going to cost $3, so I whip out my debit card, I NEVER NEVER carry cash or my checks, they are SSOOOO outdated. She says sorry we only take cash or check, So I say fine do you have an ATM, she says its out in the foyer. So I go get money out, at this point I am getting pretty frusterated. I go pay and she says Oh do you have a baby? Yes. How old? 5 months. She leans over her desk and looks and says Well you can only take the test if he is in his carrier and not being disruptive. Well if you want to piss a mom off this is a swell way to do it. So your going to discriminate against me because I have my child with me, and my husband is busy at work so I have the baby, which im sure is true for a lot of people. Not only that but I nurse him so there is no way in china im going to leave him with a sitter, and heck i shouldnt need to get a sitter in the first place to go to the freaking dmv. What is the government going to freaking tell me I cant do next? Oh I cant go to the grocery store because my baby might be disruptive, I cant get my car registered because its disruptive, well let me tell you this government if you are going to tell me I can't bring my baby with me into the DMV then you need to figure out a way to have a seperate testing room for people with children so we dont "disrupt" others. Otherwise you can SHOVE IT. On top of that I missed one to many questions so I have to come back on friday! Well isnt that dandy, So I called my loving husband and said you are coming with me on friday during your lunch break to watch Jack, and if they make any sort of fuss Im pretty sure he is going to rip them a new one and file some complaints. And thats hows its going to go. Have a nice day.


Suzie said...

Oh honey, I'll drive up there & come stand up for your rights! What a bunch of crap... seriously who even takes checks anymore. All I ever see are "sorry we don't accept checks" so my checkbook hasn't left the house in 10 years...no lie

Caboose said...

You forgot to mention that your loving husband was at work helping others comply with a ridiculously complicated tax code that our government sees fit to impose upon us. Also people who only accept cash are committing fraud. Seriously it is way easier to commit fraud with cash and checks. That is why it says on all of your bills to not send cash. Some people use the excuse that they dont want to pay the merchant fees on the credit cards but merchant fees are fairly cheap compared to a bounced check fee. Or chasing down the person who bounced the check for that matter.

Suzie said...

not to mention counterfiet bills... good point Dan..

Also Ti, if it makes you feel any better about not having 3 bucks on ya, I had to use my debit card for an 86 cent purchase the other day at Lowes.

Brooke said...

Im sorry Tiana. I would have been irate! I think I have a little overprotective mom in me! You have every right to take him with you. I would have done the same thing. Sorry for you bad day.

Sina said...

Oh dear. tsk tsk tsk. I'll come save you from the evil dmv people. I'll save jackbug too. Serious closet time is needed. Chocolate and dr pepper closet time. How rude! I would have seriously flipped my lid, but then my temper does have a shorter fuse than yours. The nerve! I can't believe she said that! I would have said well then the government needs to provide earplugs for those who might be disturbed! Argh, I'm pissed off for you too!

Kara said...

Do you need some backup for Friday? The Smiths would be happy to assist you!!

KandK said...

I absolutely HATE going places where it is cash or check...they just lose by business.....but seriously the baby??? You have got to be kidding me!! I would have failed the test just because I would have been so mad over the whole situation I would not have been able to concentrate one bit!!!! Good luck tomorrow!!!

Patty Sue Martin said...

T I was seriously lauching so hard at that because I just had one of those days too!! Not at the DMV but with the stupid financial aid office so I am sorry that happened to you!! Oh and don't worry that mitch and I had to use cash and checks for 3 weeks because our debit card number was compromised along with 700 other peoples in Laramie!! Someone hacked into a system at a gas station or walmart!! The credit union ordered our new cards a week late!! Mitch told me to call and yell at them and tell them that we live in a time of plastic...would you like me to tell the DMV the same thing!!

Torrie said...

oh dear, like 7 years ago when I moved here it was even worse about the only cash or checks...which I do not get at all. Really none of the fast food joints or the gas stations took debit cards...hello! Seriously a check you would take that over a credit card??? I was mad, really mad all the time and I fought it for months because the checkbook and cash never came with me anywhere. I have learned to embrace it and my checkbook is always with me now, yes even after seven years. It is MUCH better than it used to be but I feel your pain. Seriously the baby you are much nicer than me because I would have refused to leave, sorry for the Idaho nightmare.