Thursday, March 19, 2009

Happy St. Patricks Day...

Well I know this is a couple days late but I do have proof that we were festive (Well I kind of forced festivity on Dan). We ate green waffles and green eggs! YUMMOOO..... or something like that. (I know all of you are looking at this and thinking GRROOOSSSS, and thats okay.


Suzie said...

How fun!

Ti'ana said...

oh yes and notice the heap of bacon... thats not turkey bacon folks! im pretty sure we are going to die of a heart attack after consuming that. jews dont eat bacon for a reason!

Patty Sue Martin said...

You were festive! We wore green and then I changed my clothes because I was going to get a workout from Wii Fit(which I didn't) but anyway my neices and nephews came home from school and pinched me...thats how festive I was!!

Torrie said...

i can never stomach green eggs or green milk so the Leprechaun's came to our house and caused some havoc, the bacon looks good by the way

KandK said...

How fun!!! We had corned beef and cabbage and green pudding. Just a yearly tradition here. Gotta love a reason to celebrate!