Monday, December 10, 2012

Swimming. swimming.

Oh the fun that we had at the lake and water park. Best summer fun EVER.

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this was the best idea. To contain the babies Luke and Spencer, we filled up the little raft with water and they had their own little sand free pool. My car was packed full all summer. With the shade, towels, beach toys, life jackets, cooler, chair, blanket. Luke played a bit in the sand and lake as well. And he did consume a fair amount of sand. We usually went with Torrie and kids and some of their friends. But talked Kara into joining us once and got to hang out with Mary and Atli a few times. We were probably at the week an average 2-3 days every week.

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Jack enjoyed swimming out with me to the water slide in the lake and going down with me. He was pretty brave getting dunked under the water. He really honed his swimming skills this summer.

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Nothing cuter than a chunky baby in a grandpa had and speedo.

1 comment:

Suzie said...

How fun! I'm not very adventurous with babies & water! You're a good mama!