I know I am guilty of chronically posting about my children. And that’s about it. (Being a mom and all sometimes I forget that I do stuff as well, its just never as exciting or cute, you know?)

I have been taking care of our home, I love flowers and taking care of outside stuff in the summer time.

This year Kara inspired us to raise some chickens. They have been SOO fun. When we went and got them Jack was so excited he was beside himself, and was so excited to have chickens in a box. (they put the chicks in a little tiny box to take home). We have raised them from chicks (That was probably the funnest part.) We had them in a tote in our garage and Jack loved to watch and hold them. They are so adorable. Then they got bigger with feathers and started hopping out of the tote, so we needed to build a coop. I looked some up online and knew what I thought we could do, but Dan didn’t see my vision so I decided to take him to Cal-ranch to show him some of theirs to get an idea… and we came home with a Cal-ranch pre fabricated coop. Its perfect for the “small urban farmer”. They are just now starting to lay eggs. One lays brown eggs and another just started and lays green eggs. Jack loves collecting the eggs every morning and having green eggs for breakfast. Most of the summer we let them free range in our back yard, we have never had such a great garden with the help of their fertilizer and it has helped our grass also, but by the end of summer I was tired of the chicken poop on my back porch so we decided to build a small fence (the lower half). But they kept getting out so I thought they must be flying over (even though we clipped their wings… that was an adventure, but in my defense I did watch a youtube video to see how it was done lol) Anyways they kep getting out so we decided to make a taller fence, so now our fence looks REALLY redneck. Next year we plan on putting a nicer looking fence up. but for we will look hillbilly. At least noone can see it but us , I always say keep the front your pristine and the back can be toys and mess and fun! I really do love my chickens. We also used to put them in the coop at night and one night Dan was doing it but they wouldn’t go in for him, he got really frustrated and started herding them with a baseball bat… we are glad to still have 5 of 5 chickens. They like me more than Dan lol, they will follow me around the yard, and I can pick them up, they love to see the boys and will play around them.
This summer we also went to rigby lake.. A LOT, at least once a week sometimes 2-3 times. Seriously the funnest summer activity. We love going with Torrie and kids they have so much fun in the sun. My trunk was full all summer with the necessities of lake going. Jack got really comfortable in the water and he would even go on the water slide with me. ( he wears a life jacket all the time of course, and had a sweet life jacket tan line). Luke also enjoyed the lake and playing with spencer and trying to eat the sand. Boy the tub was full of sand each time we got home and washed up. We talked Kara into joining us once... she thinks we are crazy. We did float the canal a few times with the smiths. That was also fun, but Luke couldn't join us on that adventure.