Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Pumpkin Patch

Every year we celebrate the “Great Pumpkin”. Gram and Papa were in town so we went to the Red barn and their pumpkin patch.

Jack and Luke SummerFall 2012 145

Jack and Luke SummerFall 2012 149

Just one of the pumpkins.

Jack and Luke SummerFall 2012 151

Gram , Jack, Luke, Papa.

Jack and Luke SummerFall 2012 157

I LOVE LOVE LOVE fall and winter. So this is always a fun time.


Torrie said...

I always want to go to the Red Barn every year and I forget to, that is the one by the zoo right? Hum, well I guess next year. We didn't even carve pumpkins this year, I'm such a good mom like that. I figure it will be sooo much more exciting next year since it's been so long since we have carved :).

Suzie said...

Your boys are so cute! I love that last pic of them!