Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Our Baby the Economist?

Saturday evening I was doing some ironing while Dan played with Jack. Jack started to get a bit fussy so I suggested to Dan to read him a book (a baby book) because he usually likes that. Well Dan took my advice to a degree but thought something else would be a bit more interesting, and it actually lasted for quite awhile.....(I had a video of Dan reading Alan Greenspan's book The Age of Turbulence, but it was unable to load so here is a pic).


Suzie said...

That's too funny! Baby Jack is growing like crazy!

Brittany said...

Jack is adorable Ti. The book reading thing cracked me up! So funny!

Sina said...

Hahahaha, I better send him some Hank the Cow Dog books to balance him out!

Patty Sue Martin said...

For some reason that doesn't surprise me that Dan read that to him, but it is surprising that he liked it!! Ha ha that is so funny. Jack sure is getting big.