Friday, April 3, 2009

6 Month Checkup

Yesterday was Jack's 6 month doctor visit. All looks good no problems at all. He weighed in at 16 pounds 11 ounces, he only gained about a pound and 7 ounces since last time, but he grew an inch and is now at 25 inches long. Apparently when they get to this age and start moving a bunch they tend to grow toward their height curve, and since he is considered short (which I really have a hard time believing still) he probably wont gain to much weight. I have a really hard time believing the height percentile though, for heavens sake he is 6 month old and wearing 12 month pjs because he is so long, I think the percentile thing is a little flawed or just bogus, besides Dan and I arent exactly short, and I know he could have got the short gene somewhere else but its not very likely. Don't get me wrong I don't have a problem with it if he is short, I just don't believe it. Jack still has dry skin even though I drench him in eucerin everyday. Hopefully when winter decides to let up (which obviously isn't today) his skin will feel a little better. Ive been so blessed that Jack hasn't been sick at all this winter! I really hope to keep it that way, some might call me anal about this stuff but hey it seems to be working right?


Suzie said...

I happen to know someone that is short with terrible skin who is pretty dang good looking...

Ti'ana said...


KandK said...

Ask Torrie for some RENEW lotion....that should help him!! He'll grow!!

Patty Sue Martin said...

I think its hard to believe that he is short because he looks huge to me!! Hopefully we can see you guys soon.