Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

I hope everyone had a fantastic Easter and was able to remember the special significance this day holds. Ours hasn't been so fantastic, Jack woke up last night congested and coughing. So we hooked up the humidifier and the vicks vaporizer and Jack and I stayed home from church, too bad because I was really looking forward to Easter Sunday. Oh well, next year. With the sniffles Jack gets to take in a lot of cuddle time...Although Jack wasn't feeling 100% he was still able to attack his easter baskets from the Easter Bunny and Gram and Papa Martin.


Suzie said...

I think instead of a profound comment, I'll just say SORRY!

KandK said...

Hope he feels better real soon!!

Torrie said...

so sad....i'm sorry that is stinky

Sina said...

poor jackbugs, at least he looks all nice and warm in the monkey blanket!

Patty Sue Martin said...

I'm sorry Jack was feeling very good, it still looks like he had a good time with his Easter baskets!! I can't believe how big he is, he is so cute!!