Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Calling All Mothers

As we slowly approach Halloween I am getting more and more concerned with what I need in preparation for my Jackolantern. So I have heard a few random "mother's favorites," things that each mother had and used and absolutely loved, and are positive they would never have another child without. Get my point? I'm just trying to figure out what I need, and also what a few "wants" would be to make this all a bit easier or more comfortable or whatever. For example bobby pillow, changing table.... somethings some people hate and some swear by. Tell me what you swear by. Ladies I need all the help I can get. Also if you have time I have another question. How many of each things do you even need? how many onsies? how many socks? how many? how many? I have one box of newborn diapers, is that enough for him to grow out of? should I just purchase bigger ones now? This is all very confusing. I really really want to prepare for this madness, but i really don't know exactly what I need. Its very amusing, Dan asks me, what more do we need? He has a crazy notion that we basically just need wipes and diapers.... (I ask him where will he sleep? Dan: we can pull out a drawer for him. What will he wear? Dan: he doesn't need clothes, we have blankets, besides he's tough. are you laughing? I usually just scoff :) I always have a fresh wave of guilt after breaking down and shopping for baby, but its all with a purpose right, this isn't just frivolous right?


Pamela said...

I know I'm not an expert mother, but I've only recently gone through the feeling you described about wanting to be ready and have everything so take what I have to say as you will!

I have a boppy pillow and I have to say that about all it's good for is tummy time. If you plan to breastfeed, get a nursing pillow called My Brestfriend. Yeah I know the name sucks, but it's better than the boppy for 3 reasons. 1)It has a flat surface, not rounded so baby does roll into or away from you 2) It has a latch, so it goes all the way around you and buckles (get this rather than the velcro variety so you don't wake baby!) 3)It has a back support, since it goes all the way around you. I cannot begin to tell you how tired your back can get when breastfeeding if you are not totally comfortable and baby is not supported well!

It has been so nice to have a carseat with a stay in base. No hassle and you can order more bases for more cars.

I would not say a changing pad (the kind that have raised edges and a belt) is necessary, just those fold out pads have been doing fine for Spencer. We have the other kind but have never used it, though we're only 3 months in.

It's hard to guess how big or small your baby will be, Spencer was in preemie clothes for about a month and a half and did fine with 6 onsies, 3 pants, 3 pajamas. Now that he's older and in 0-3 he has more clothes than he can wear. Which brings us to the next thing: Don't go crazy buying baby clothes. Yes they are cute, but seriously your baby will hardly have time to wear some of them!

Spencer loves his bouncy seat. It has been nicknamed his dinner chair because that is how we keep him entertained during dinner so I can eat(the old wive's tale that babies are always hungry when their mother is eating is true!!!).

Don't forget burp cloths. Seriously, Spencer was born and we had 0! Needless to say we had some made, quick.

Kara said...

Ti you can NEVER have enough clothes when they are newborn, they poop all over everything, barf and plus you just change them!! I never have had a changing table. I always changed them on my bed. You should start buying diapers in a bigger size! What if he grows like Waders? Do you get a discount on diapers from the hospital? I know that if you work for the hospital up here you get a discount! Well I could go on and on you know me! Good luck trying to convince Daniel!

KandK said...

my baby is 8 and so it is hard to remember all that was so important. I would say a good stroller, probably Torrie could tell you the kind to get. I liked the simple diaper bags, not the huge suitcase kind. Diaper rash medicine is good to have on hand for that first sore bottom. I will have to think on this one.....

Suzie said...

I'm laughing as I read this because what one mom swears by, others laugh at... so take the advice, & do as you will with it.
For me, I didn't have a boppy pillow with Ry, I did with Sam & wondered how I ever made it without one. Riley LOVED the swing, we used it with him until he was way too big for it, but he didn't really dig the bouncer. Sam on the other hand, didn't seem to like the swing as much & LOVED the bouncer. (I guess that was good because then I actually ended up getting decent use out of both of them.)
As for the diaper thing... remind me you new moms, but newborn diapers only lasted about 1 week. I think size 2 is the ones that I seemed to use for a while.
As for clothes, of course you are going to buy some, they are too cute to turn down, HOWEVER, you will receive a TON from showers & other well wishers. For me, especially 3-6 month size, I swear those clothes have been worn 2 times, once by each kid because we have so many. So try to hold off as much as possible on buying clothes.
Graco ComfortSport is the best car seat if you ask me.
Never had a changing table, so you know my thoughts on that.
I've never owned a changing pad either, I just use little blankets & wash them if they get poop on it. (You'll be doing laundry everyday so even though right now, you're imagining the poop being on there for weeks, it will really just be like 20 minutes until you can throw the next load in:)
Amen on the burp cloths, you will go through them faster than you can get them into the laundry. Talk to Kim, her mom made me a ton of cute boy burp cloths.
As for the diaper bag, I love the backpack so that I'm hands free when hauling the kid around, but it can be kinda heavy, so you'll have to decide what you like for that.
Sorry, I'm full of what worked for me, I won't feel bad if you just delete this comment.

Ti'ana said...

are spit rags ( I just about spelled rags as wrags, my mind is gone) different from those burp cloths thats sometimes match recieving blankets? are they different?

Suzie said...

Same thing, different styles. Also I thought of one more thing that you'll use NON stop, baby clippers (or some people like the scissors). See it never ends! Also look online for reviews of all the big things then you know what america thinks of it.

Pamela said...

I'll second the baby nail scissors...and nail files. I cut Spencer's nails almost every other day. For at least the first month (maybe two?) I only filed his nails cause they are so soft when they're born and the skin attaches really far up.

Sina said...

Wipes, bag balm, burp cloths, swing, one or two bottles, just in case, buy the kind with the drop in bags, onsies, one of those little tents to put on a boy's sprinkler when changing his diaper, wish I had one with John, don't buy the receiving blankets from the store, they aren't big enough and shrink up way too fast, some gas drops, baby lotion & soap, diapers not the newborn size, sleepers, and a stash of chocolate.

Torrie said...

A few years ago we did a post
here that you should check out. I know what you mean that some people swear by something and others just laugh. I did some of the same things on the first baby like changing tables and bobby pillows, but swear by both now. Your lower back kills like no other after you have a baby and the changing table is just the right height better than floor, couch or bed but you can live without it.

I used a box of newborn diapers and that was plenty and I have tons of the big box of the size 1-2 in pamers that you buy at sams. They are still on sale I beleive at and if you spend over $50 (easy to do on diapers) you get free shipping. DD2 is 2 months and I've been through one box of newborn and almost have used a box of 1-2. I ordered a bunch of diapers early on and they came right to my that. Just price check because some diapers on there are overpriced. Pampers are the best for newborn size then as they get older like size 3 I like Huggies fine and they are cheaper.

If you shop at target make sure to always check the end caps. I have gotten diapers on clearance when they are trying to get rid of a certain kind, stalk up if you ever find them cheap.

Okay so right now what could I not live without.....Bobby (or any kind of nursing pillow), burp clothes the only kind I use are these cloth diapers, I usually sew some ribbon on some to make them cute for out and about but they hold a ton of puke and they cover a lot of you so it is on the cloth not your clothes. People give me cute ones and I throw them in the diaper bag but if you want the big guns just use the diapers.

If you plan on nursing all your kids you should invest in a pump...not a necessity but I have used it a ton with all babies. YOu could maybe put it on your want list for your shower and a bunch of people or some nice soul might give you one. I have given the kids a bottle off and on since they were about 6 weeks then it is so nice to be able to leave them and not feel bad. I love being able to leave and go for a whole day when the baby is a little older it is a nice break. It has been nice with this baby because Jason can feed her in the morning while I'm working out and I don't have to hurry home.

I love the advent bottles but if you are nursing you might need one or two is all.

I would say 8-10 onsies on the newborn size then double that on the next size up. I use these a ton and hate to be out, I always keep a few in the diaper bag too. IF you garage sale you can find these for really cheap.

I like a big purse so I just got one at Target on sale to use as a diaper bag so when I get sick of it I don't feel bad about buying a new one, however, if I had all the money in the world I would buy the Coach diaper bag it is so cute.

As for strollers you need one that will suite your style and needs. If you are going to use it to exercise I would invest in a nice one because the cheap ones are hard to push. Let me know more what you are looking to use it for and between my sister and I we can give you the deets (we have about 10-12 different strollers between us).

I would say to judge on the side of not buying something if you can't decide. Get the essentials then wait and see if you need your want list. Also, you will get a ton of stuff at showers for a first baby so hold off until your showers are over to buy much stuff, you might have all you need.

I could go on for hours but I'm sure you quit reading by now anyway!