Monday, April 12, 2010

Caught up at last!

Finally Im all up to date. Hope to keep it that way. Ive been posting a lot about Jack. Yes I do realize that. So may be wondering what Dan and I have been up to. Dan we can sum up pretty quickly... tax season. Two words. That was pretty fast. He has been busy busy the last couple of months but the great news it that in 3 days taxes will be over and Jack and I can get to know who Daddy is again. Also Dan recently became the Elders Quorum President, lol, yeah he was pretty overwhelmed at first by the thought of it all, he was totally sick to his stomach the day we went to see the stake president for a "get to know you interview." Ya dont ever fall for that line. We knew something had to be up when our highcouncilman came to our house for a "get to know you visit" then we got called in a couple weeks later for a "get to know you interview." Dan is so patient and kind and smart I know he will do a great job and I know he really strives to follow the spirit and I hope I can be a help to him. He is a wonderful man and I love him. Thank you Charles and Diane for raising your children the way you did. (Im sure Cammie, Kim, Amy, Torrie, Aaron and Josh will agree). So what have I been up to? A little of this...
Growing starts for me garden this year. Im really wanting to gear up for the summer. Major cabin fever going on here. I've been reading a bit, my awesome sil Torrie invited me to her book club and I LOVE it, its so nice to have and intellectualy stimulating conversation sometimes. I've been busy with nursery I currently have 12 little hoodlems that I really enjoy. Kids really say the darndest things, I love being Iter Miller (as opposed to sister). I've also been working on some genealogy. Mostly indexing right now but I really need to hop back on the New Family Search bandwagon. Our Stake President asked our stake to index 1 million names. I was pretty blown away by that when he said it but our stake and ward have been working so hard and we are well on our way to 1 million. I know we will be blessed for doing this. Its a great way to serve others. Ive also been doing some babysitting here and there. I had a great birthday with family. Kara even made me a cake. It was great. I've also been trying to start up the piano again and do some couponing. Basically that is what I do when Im not taking care of Jack (so basically after 7 pm) and cleaning. Im thinking about going to the Idaho Falls Library book club to, anyone do that as well or hear anything about it? And I was wanting to take Jack to the toddler story time at the library, anyone know about that? Kara was also kind enough to teach me how to make strawberry jam, we made 34 containers of freezer jam, we started at 6pm and ended at 9pm, WHAT WERE WE THINKING? We also celebrated passover this year with friends again. We mixed it up a bit and did a nephite passover with tortillas instead of matzah and cilantro instead of parsly, it is always a really fun time and a great way to prepare for easter and to think about the events that led up to the crucifixion and resurrection. It really helps me focus on Christ and not so much the Easter Bunny, I hope as my children grow it will also help them. Im sure more has been happening but thats a good little jot right now.


Suzie said...

You are so good keeping on top of all those things!

Patty Sue Martin said...

You've been up to a lot! I don't do half of what you do, although I've been doing a little couponing I'm trying to figure it out!! I'm glad you and Jack got Dan back now that taxes are over.

Torrie said...

wow, good job on your starts, how do you do really do you just write a bunch of stuff down and not rest until you accomplish it? I need some lessons.

Torrie said...

I really am being serious, I have all these things that sound fun that I want to do but lack the memory to do them, how do I get organized?

KandK said...

Great job on the garden starts!!!!! Have a great vacation in Vegas, also!!!