Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Meditation on the Sacrament

Love this poem from the April Ensign:

How small a sip of water,
How tiny a crust of bread,
yet in these emblems we are lifted,
in them we are fed.

As we think of Jesus
and the sacrifice he gave,
we feel His constant mercy,
His loving power to save.

~Stevens W. Anderson

Also appreciated this:

A person who sins is like a tree that bends easily in the wind. On a windy and rainy day, the tree bends so deeply against the ground that the leaves become soiled with mud, like sin. If we focus only on cleaning the leaves, the weakness in the tree that allowed it to bend and soil its leaves may remain. Similarly, a person who is merely sorry to be soiled by sin will sin again in the next high wind. The susceptibility to repetition continues until the tree has been strengthened.

It seems so hard sometimes to do the things we ought to be doing. Ill work to focus. I feel the need to better myself.

I've been feeling a little blue about my callings lately. Family History is very important but how can I get that message across to those around me? I'm struggling to find ideas. And nursery has been a little crazy. I love those little children, buts its been hard having 12 little ones to manage. Any help with fun games and activities would be awesome. Ive tried searching online like at sugardoodle and similar sites, but most activities are really hard with too many. I feel like I need a pick me up so I can be a better teacher.


Suzie said...

Just remember those nursery kids don't have a very big attn span. A short lesson, treats & games are always good. When we were in Meadow ward it seems like they always started with puzzles & books, then lesson, treats & then playtime. Teaching those little ones that church is fun is what it's all about! Sam cries to go to church anytime we drive by the church because he loves it in nursery so much. I'm sure you're doing a great job!
Family History is a hard one. Especially when you are in a young ward. For me it seems like such a hard task. I know it's important & I love to go to the temple to do work for the dead, but honestly, I'm a little afraid if I started to do researching, I know I would get addicted & I would never get anything done! I do like indexing though...

Torrie said...

oh boy, I can imagine it is easy to get bogged down with your callings, they are both hard ones.

I have no ideas for nursery but just to stay consistent, I love singing time so I say sing more songs.

One fun thing one of the nursery's in our ward has (not Ellie's) is they have place mats with the kids names and picture on them so they have their snack and table time with them so they sit there and such, it is so cute the kids love it. not an activity or game I guess, hum I got nothin' on that.