Thursday, July 3, 2008

Birthing Class?

So at my last appointment my doc gave me a paper that had all the different parenting classes and such that the U offers. I am wondering if this is something I should do, or if it is really not that necessary. They offer: Basic Breastfeeding, HypnoBirthing, Infant Massage, Parenting I and II, Prepared Childbirth Series, Sign 2 me baby sign language, Labor and Birth, Preventing Preterm Labor. Lots to choose from and I dont know if it is really a necessary thing.


Pamela said...

I loved my prepared childbirth class. A lot of it was stuff I'd already read about but Kevin learned a LOT! So it was really good for him. I say take at least that one. My mom had all of us natural by using hypnobirthing and I was planning on trying with Spencer until they said he'd be a c-section. If natural is what you're planning I'd recommemd taking the class. I also am grateful for the breastfeeding class we took, again partly because Kevin learned so much and is so supportive because of it.

Sooooo necessary? No. Recommended? Totally.

Suzie said...

I second Pam. I loved my childbirth class. It totally got Josh prepared for what was coming. When we were in the middle of everything did we remember every little tidbit they said, no, but was it helpful, definately.

Kara said...

Back here in the "woods" in Idaho we didn't take birthing classes, Aaron said that he "pulled" enough cows that it would all work out! But I think that it would be a good idea!

Sina said...

I never did, but the nursing class would be good, and I guess the birthing class would be great too!

Torrie said...

Our doula gave us our own personal birthing class, it was great for Jason even though he was way into researching everything with me about natural birthing and he was very supportive. If you are contemplating a natural birth I highly recommend hypnobirthing it was a dream....who can be snoring within minutes of pushing a baby out.....I know it was crazy but it worked. I recommend getting Dan to at least one of them like the others said.