Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Moving Day

Yesterday we packed up and moved everything that was occupying the soon to be baby room, there was a TON of stuff. On Saturday my mom came up and we loaded it all in the trailer, or rather Mom, Dan and Jon loaded it for me. I'm sure my support helped though... right? Then Monday night we had our realtor stop by and look around and Dan talked with him about questions and how we can expect things to go. He said one thing that would help is if we took out the freezer and the love sac and Dan's guns to make it look roomier and so no one would want the guns for their own. I worked till midnight on monday and got home and tried to fall asleep of course Jack was kicking like crazy so I couldnt sleep forever, then I had to get up to the bathroom twice, a fun 6 hours of sleep. Soooo, around 6:45 on Tuesday morning my mom shows up and they had a blast loading up the freezer and the saran wrapped love sac..... that's always a fun job. We drove to Idaho and unloaded all the fun contents, it makes me wonder how we accumulate so much stuff. Dan's parents just barely left the day before for the mission field so generously they said we could store all of this junk in their house. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. Also what made it so fast and easy was Aaron and Kara helped us unload, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. They were great, it seriously went by so fast, then to top it off they made us Delicious BBQ hamburgers. The Miller family is always so generous and kind, I really do appreciate all the support and help they constantly give us. And a huge thanks to my mom for letting us use the trailer and for driving with us to Idaho. Families are amazing. Dan and I were completely wasted when we got home, we went to bed at 8 and slept FOREVER. I will be so glad when I dont have to work anymore.


Suzie said...

You are a trooper to even be cheering people on who are moving your stuff at this stage of pregnancy!

Kara said...

only one more month of work and then you can stay at home and eat bon bons like me!!! We are excited that you guys are moving to IDAHO!!

KandK said...

What a totally busy day!!!!!!!!