Thursday, August 14, 2008

Run for a Cure

So I was watching my favorite TV show "The Office", which airs again starting Septmeber 25. Anyways I was thinking about a certain episode where Micheal Scott and Dunder Mifflin do a Support the Rabid Celebrity pro-am Fun Run for a Cure. If you havnt seen it yet you need to. So I was thinking about other "fun runs for a cure" that would be funny.... and this is my idea. The FIRST ANNUAL PRO-AM SUPPORT OBESITY FUN RUN FOR A CURE. hahaha the irony is golden. The thought was just strangly amusing to me. Dan said the the slogan on the tshirts could say something along the lines of "the run is the cure." I guess I am just waiting for one of those runs to be held.... heres a good quote from the office. Michael Scott: Myth: Three Americans every year die from rabies. Fact: Four Americans every year die from rabies.


Suzie said...

I'm to lazy to run for the cure!

Sina said...

I want to join! But when I join, I want a tshirt with the slogan! Do I have to run???

Torrie said...

that is one of my favorite office episodes of course next to the beet farm one, I will sign up for the race I love the idea :)

Caboose said...

You forgot my best T shirt slogan "Body by XBox"