Sunday, November 29, 2009
On Utah v. BYU
go here and read this post. it pretty much sums it all up.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Genealogy Talk
I thought I would share my genealogy talk with you. It is long so don't read it all if you dont have the time. I just thought it might be a good way to motivate someone else out there....
The Lord God told Moses that his work and glory was “To bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.” The immortality of man has now been assured by the atonement and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Each of us is privileged to assist in the remaining work of bringing to pass the eternal life of man. This is the mission of the Church. Our current efforts to accomplish this mission of the Church have been organized to include three dimensions: proclaim the gospel, perfect the Saints, and redeem the dead. As we know, these three dimensions are interlocking and inseparable. The seen and unseen worlds are closely connected. One assists the other. Those who fail to partake of the privileges and blessings of temple work deprive themselves of some of the choicest gifts within the keeping of the Church. Temple work or redeeming the dead begins with genealogy.
Elder Widtsoe said “In our preexistent state, in the day of the great council, we made a certain agreement with the almighty. The lord proposed a plan, conceived by him. We accepted it. Since the plan is intended for all men we became parties to the salvation of every person under that plan. We agreed, right then and there, to be not only saviors for ourselves but measurably, saviors for the whole human family. We went into a partnership with the lord. The working out of the plan became then not merely the father’s work, and the saviors work, but also our work. The objective of family history work is to make the blessings of the temple available to all people, both living and dead. Elder Packer heard of an incident that happened in WWII. A group of commandos were sent across the English Channel to accomplish a military mission. They were sent ashore at night in high seas and had to make their way across a treacherous reef. When the first of them reached the beach, led by a sergeant, they heard a companion calling for help. He was caught up on the reef and was unable to free himself. If left to himself he would be dashed to pieces by the heavy seas against the reef. The sergeant pulled off his gear in preparation for an attempt to rescue the man. One of those on the beach said “Don’t go out there- it’s too dangerous and difficult. If you go out there you’ll never come back” the sergeant replied “I don’t have to come back, I just have to go out there.” This illustrates something of our position with regard to our doing the work for the lord. Many are hung up on the reef, as it were. They cannot free themselves. It is for us to go get them. They are otherwise described as being in prison. We can assist in setting them free. We can be their saviors. We in the church must not retreat before the overwhelming assignment of extending the gospel message to all men, both living and dead. As we attend the temple and perform work for the dead, we accomplish a deep sense of alliance with God and a better understanding of his plan for the salvation of the human race. Truly there is no work equal to that done in the temple, but you cannot have regard for the temple ordinance work without having a great respect for genealogical work as well. Genealogical work is the fundamental service for the temples. There are millions across the world who are working on family history records. Why? Why are they doing it? I believe it is because they have been touched by the spirit of this work, a thing which we call the spirit of Elijah. It is a turning of the hearts of the children to their fathers. That purpose, of which we bear solemn witness, is to identify the generations of the dead so that ordinances may be performed in their behalf for their eternal and everlasting blessing and progress. And without this work, the Lord indicated, the whole purpose of creating and peopling the earth would be frustrated, would be wasted.
With any sacrifice or selfless service we receive blessings. What are some of the blessings that come from actively engaging in genealogy? Brother Widtsoe said “those who give themselves with all their might and mind to genealogical work receive help from the other side. Whoever seeks to help those on the other side receives help in return in all the affairs of life.” Elder Packer said “if you want the influence of dignity and wisdom and inspiration and spirituality to envelop your life, involve yourself in temple and genealogical work. Once we started, we found the time. Somehow we were able to carry on all of the other responsibilities. There seemed to be an increased inspiration in our lives because of this work.” Family history builds bridges to activity in the church. Family history work solidifies converts and strengthens all members of the church. Family history research and the preparation of names for the temple can be most valuable in the retention of new members. Faith and confidence grow as family members are included in the saving ordinances of the gospel. What a blessing it is to strengthen the saints! One of the greatest blessings that come from genealogical work is the Spirit of Elijah. We receive further light and knowledge as the work requires. We can each receive inspiration- the spirit of Elijah- as we involve ourselves in this sacred labor of love. Elder Packer said “when a member of the church comes under its influence, it is a powerful, compelling force which motivates him with desire to be attending to genealogical and temple work. It leaves him anxious over the wellbeing of his forebears. When that spirit comes, somehow we desire to know more about those forbears- we desire to know them, to serve them, and to be their saviors upon Mount Zion.” When we research our own lines we become interested in more than just names or the number of names going through the temple. Our interest turns our hearts to our fathers. There is no greater joy and blessing than helping to bring to pass the eternal life of man.
What is your role in genealogy? The prophet Joseph Smith stated “the greatest responsibility in this world that God has laid upon us is to seek after our dead.” Brigham Young said “Our fathers cannot be made perfect without us; we cannot be made perfect without them. They have done their work and now sleep. We are now called upon to do ours; which is to be the greatest work man ever performed on earth.” That which goes on in the house of the Lord, and which must be preceded by research, comes nearer to the spirit of the sacrifice of the Lord than any other activity of which I know. Why? Because it is done by those who give freely of time and substance, without any expectation of thanks or reward, to do for others that which they cannot do for themselves, said President Hinkley. But the decision, the action, must begin with the individual. The lord will not tamper with our agency. If we want a testimony of family history and temple work, we must do something about that work. There somehow seems to be the feeling that genealogical work is an all or nothing responsibility. That is not so. Genealogical work is another responsibility for every Latter-day Saint. And we may do it successfully along with all the other callings and responsibilities that rest upon us. While it may be true that our Aunt Clara has done a lot of the family genealogy, she most likely would welcome some help. She also may have made some mistakes and perhaps even missed someone. And she certainly has not done it all. Wilford Woodruff said “We want the latter-day saints from this time to trace their genealogies as far as they can, and to be sealed to their fathers and mothers. Have children sealed to their parents, and run this chain through as far as you can get it.” Some of the most important efforts toward fulfilling the mission of the church will be those of parents who teach their children the doctrines and practice of the church by precept and example. Do not be hesitant to share with your children their family histories, and to let them feel the sacredness of joining our families together. Our effort is not to compel everyone to do everything, but to encourage everyone to do something. There are many different things our members can do to help in the redeeming of the dead, in the temple and family history work. Some involve callings. Others are personal. All are expressions of devotions and discipleship. All present opportunities for sacrifice and service.
Just as we are drawn to the temple and know of its sacred nature, it is the same with genealogy. Most of us really don’t understand the procedures, but somehow we sense that it is an inspired, spiritual work. But many of us don’t get started because, never having done any of the work, we don’t feel we know how to. Genealogical work has, I fear, sometimes been made to appear too difficult, too involved, and too time consuming to really be inviting to the average church member. No member of the church needs to be left out of this work. There is a way it can be done. And there is a place to begin. You can begin with you, with who you are and what you have right now. Gather information you know about yourself such as birth certificates, certificate of blessing, certificate of baptism, certificate of ordination, certificate of graduation. Talk with family member about what they might know. Write a personal history. After you have done your own personal history begin to collect the information beginning with the first four most recent generations on each line, and then go back as far as you can. Remember like Nephi, you will be “led by the spirit, not knowing beforehand the things which you should do.” It is very important to prayerfully determine what you can do in wisdom and in order in your present circumstance.
Some of the most important temple and family history work is done at home, this has never been more true than it is today. Genealogy is primarily an individual responsibility, but with the New Family Search program we can hasten the work, do it from home, and work collectively. In 1994 president Hunter said “With regard to temple and family history work, I have one overriding message: This work must hasten. The work waiting to be done is staggering and escapes human comprehension. Surely the lord will support us if we use our best efforts in carrying out the commandment to do family history research and temple work. The great work of the temples and all that supports it must expand. It is imperative. In recent years we have begun using information technology to hasten the sacred work of providing ordinances for the deceased. The role of technology in this work has been accelerated by the lord himself, who has had a guiding hand in its development and will continue to do so. However, we stand only on the threshold of what we can do with these tools. I feel that our most enthusiastic projections can capture only a tiny glimpse of how these tools can help us-and of the eternal consequences of our efforts.” The New Family Search is a fulfillment of President Hunters prophetic words. Some of the benefits of New Family Search and why members will want to use it are:
1. A major reason the New Family Search was created is to prevent duplication of temple ordinances. The duplication of ordinances has long been a concern for members and church leaders. In the October 2005 general conference President Hinkley said “One of the most troublesome aspects of our temple activity is that as we get more and more temples scattered across the earth there is duplication of effort in proxy work. People in various nations simultaneously work on the same family lines and come up with the same names. They do not know that those in other areas are doing the same thing. We, therefore, have been engaged for some time in a very difficult undertaking. To avoid such duplication, the solution lies in complex computer technology. Preliminary indications are that it will work, and if this is so, it will be a truly remarkable thing with worldwide implications.” Significantly the New Family Search will reduce duplication of temple ordinances by checking the churches temple records before and additional temple work can be done. If ordinances have previously been done, New Family Search will not allow ordinances to be done again.
2. The new family search also encourages collaboration among extended family members researching common lines, so duplicate research efforts are reduced. The New family search provides a secure site where people can share family history information and work together in order to get the most accurate records possible.
3. The churches previous programs for family search including family search, the IGI, and various temple records have all been combined into one program making this work much easier.
4. New Family Search links us into families instead of each individual with their own information.
5. By using new family search members can clear names for the temple at home over the internet.
6. When ordinances are completed the New Family Search will display the completion of ordinances within 24 hours.
7. Family History consultants are able to login as helpers to those who need help or do not wish to use a computer in submitting names. Consultants can work with and in their behalf. New Family Search will display the member at the contributor of their information and the consultant as the one who submitted it.
Genealogy does require sacrifice and work. My mother’s family has lived in South Africa since the 1600’s. In Africa around the 1940’s in order to have your own temple ordinances completed you would have to trace your lineage outside of Africa. Native Africans at this time were not able to hold the priesthood, and so members were required to trace their origins out of Africa. At this time there were no computers, no internet, and hardly the resources we have available now. My Great Granny work tirelessly to trace her family’s ancestral line back to Holland in the mid 1600’s. I cannot imagine how hard it would have been in that day to research and work with such tremendous effort simply to be able to go through the temple for your own ordinances and for the sake of your children, and of course for that of your ancestors. 51 years ago when finally all their roots had been established out of Africa, they faced yet another obstacle; at that time there was no temple in Africa and wouldn’t be for 30 more years. My Granny and Oupa knew the how vital temple work is and for their families salvation together, their need to be sealed together for all eternity. For years they saved money and prepared names of their ancestors to take to the temple. Finally in 1958 with a toddler and newborn in their arms they bid farewell to their homeland and their families, to their jobs, their security and their possessions and embarked on a 3 month journey by boat to Los Angeles, California. There they enjoyed the fruits of their labor of love and were sealed as a family and to the ancestors. If only we could all have such strength and courage and determination to get this work completed, I can hardly comprehend how truly blessed we are to live in close proximity to a temple and to have such amazing tools like New Family Search to ease and facilitate in our genealogical work.
Brother and Sisters I love this work. I know the lord will provide all that will be required to accomplish it as we devotedly do our part. May the lord bless each of us as we make our contribution to this great work, which we must accomplish in our day, I humbly pray in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
The Lord God told Moses that his work and glory was “To bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.” The immortality of man has now been assured by the atonement and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Each of us is privileged to assist in the remaining work of bringing to pass the eternal life of man. This is the mission of the Church. Our current efforts to accomplish this mission of the Church have been organized to include three dimensions: proclaim the gospel, perfect the Saints, and redeem the dead. As we know, these three dimensions are interlocking and inseparable. The seen and unseen worlds are closely connected. One assists the other. Those who fail to partake of the privileges and blessings of temple work deprive themselves of some of the choicest gifts within the keeping of the Church. Temple work or redeeming the dead begins with genealogy.
Elder Widtsoe said “In our preexistent state, in the day of the great council, we made a certain agreement with the almighty. The lord proposed a plan, conceived by him. We accepted it. Since the plan is intended for all men we became parties to the salvation of every person under that plan. We agreed, right then and there, to be not only saviors for ourselves but measurably, saviors for the whole human family. We went into a partnership with the lord. The working out of the plan became then not merely the father’s work, and the saviors work, but also our work. The objective of family history work is to make the blessings of the temple available to all people, both living and dead. Elder Packer heard of an incident that happened in WWII. A group of commandos were sent across the English Channel to accomplish a military mission. They were sent ashore at night in high seas and had to make their way across a treacherous reef. When the first of them reached the beach, led by a sergeant, they heard a companion calling for help. He was caught up on the reef and was unable to free himself. If left to himself he would be dashed to pieces by the heavy seas against the reef. The sergeant pulled off his gear in preparation for an attempt to rescue the man. One of those on the beach said “Don’t go out there- it’s too dangerous and difficult. If you go out there you’ll never come back” the sergeant replied “I don’t have to come back, I just have to go out there.” This illustrates something of our position with regard to our doing the work for the lord. Many are hung up on the reef, as it were. They cannot free themselves. It is for us to go get them. They are otherwise described as being in prison. We can assist in setting them free. We can be their saviors. We in the church must not retreat before the overwhelming assignment of extending the gospel message to all men, both living and dead. As we attend the temple and perform work for the dead, we accomplish a deep sense of alliance with God and a better understanding of his plan for the salvation of the human race. Truly there is no work equal to that done in the temple, but you cannot have regard for the temple ordinance work without having a great respect for genealogical work as well. Genealogical work is the fundamental service for the temples. There are millions across the world who are working on family history records. Why? Why are they doing it? I believe it is because they have been touched by the spirit of this work, a thing which we call the spirit of Elijah. It is a turning of the hearts of the children to their fathers. That purpose, of which we bear solemn witness, is to identify the generations of the dead so that ordinances may be performed in their behalf for their eternal and everlasting blessing and progress. And without this work, the Lord indicated, the whole purpose of creating and peopling the earth would be frustrated, would be wasted.
With any sacrifice or selfless service we receive blessings. What are some of the blessings that come from actively engaging in genealogy? Brother Widtsoe said “those who give themselves with all their might and mind to genealogical work receive help from the other side. Whoever seeks to help those on the other side receives help in return in all the affairs of life.” Elder Packer said “if you want the influence of dignity and wisdom and inspiration and spirituality to envelop your life, involve yourself in temple and genealogical work. Once we started, we found the time. Somehow we were able to carry on all of the other responsibilities. There seemed to be an increased inspiration in our lives because of this work.” Family history builds bridges to activity in the church. Family history work solidifies converts and strengthens all members of the church. Family history research and the preparation of names for the temple can be most valuable in the retention of new members. Faith and confidence grow as family members are included in the saving ordinances of the gospel. What a blessing it is to strengthen the saints! One of the greatest blessings that come from genealogical work is the Spirit of Elijah. We receive further light and knowledge as the work requires. We can each receive inspiration- the spirit of Elijah- as we involve ourselves in this sacred labor of love. Elder Packer said “when a member of the church comes under its influence, it is a powerful, compelling force which motivates him with desire to be attending to genealogical and temple work. It leaves him anxious over the wellbeing of his forebears. When that spirit comes, somehow we desire to know more about those forbears- we desire to know them, to serve them, and to be their saviors upon Mount Zion.” When we research our own lines we become interested in more than just names or the number of names going through the temple. Our interest turns our hearts to our fathers. There is no greater joy and blessing than helping to bring to pass the eternal life of man.
What is your role in genealogy? The prophet Joseph Smith stated “the greatest responsibility in this world that God has laid upon us is to seek after our dead.” Brigham Young said “Our fathers cannot be made perfect without us; we cannot be made perfect without them. They have done their work and now sleep. We are now called upon to do ours; which is to be the greatest work man ever performed on earth.” That which goes on in the house of the Lord, and which must be preceded by research, comes nearer to the spirit of the sacrifice of the Lord than any other activity of which I know. Why? Because it is done by those who give freely of time and substance, without any expectation of thanks or reward, to do for others that which they cannot do for themselves, said President Hinkley. But the decision, the action, must begin with the individual. The lord will not tamper with our agency. If we want a testimony of family history and temple work, we must do something about that work. There somehow seems to be the feeling that genealogical work is an all or nothing responsibility. That is not so. Genealogical work is another responsibility for every Latter-day Saint. And we may do it successfully along with all the other callings and responsibilities that rest upon us. While it may be true that our Aunt Clara has done a lot of the family genealogy, she most likely would welcome some help. She also may have made some mistakes and perhaps even missed someone. And she certainly has not done it all. Wilford Woodruff said “We want the latter-day saints from this time to trace their genealogies as far as they can, and to be sealed to their fathers and mothers. Have children sealed to their parents, and run this chain through as far as you can get it.” Some of the most important efforts toward fulfilling the mission of the church will be those of parents who teach their children the doctrines and practice of the church by precept and example. Do not be hesitant to share with your children their family histories, and to let them feel the sacredness of joining our families together. Our effort is not to compel everyone to do everything, but to encourage everyone to do something. There are many different things our members can do to help in the redeeming of the dead, in the temple and family history work. Some involve callings. Others are personal. All are expressions of devotions and discipleship. All present opportunities for sacrifice and service.
Just as we are drawn to the temple and know of its sacred nature, it is the same with genealogy. Most of us really don’t understand the procedures, but somehow we sense that it is an inspired, spiritual work. But many of us don’t get started because, never having done any of the work, we don’t feel we know how to. Genealogical work has, I fear, sometimes been made to appear too difficult, too involved, and too time consuming to really be inviting to the average church member. No member of the church needs to be left out of this work. There is a way it can be done. And there is a place to begin. You can begin with you, with who you are and what you have right now. Gather information you know about yourself such as birth certificates, certificate of blessing, certificate of baptism, certificate of ordination, certificate of graduation. Talk with family member about what they might know. Write a personal history. After you have done your own personal history begin to collect the information beginning with the first four most recent generations on each line, and then go back as far as you can. Remember like Nephi, you will be “led by the spirit, not knowing beforehand the things which you should do.” It is very important to prayerfully determine what you can do in wisdom and in order in your present circumstance.
Some of the most important temple and family history work is done at home, this has never been more true than it is today. Genealogy is primarily an individual responsibility, but with the New Family Search program we can hasten the work, do it from home, and work collectively. In 1994 president Hunter said “With regard to temple and family history work, I have one overriding message: This work must hasten. The work waiting to be done is staggering and escapes human comprehension. Surely the lord will support us if we use our best efforts in carrying out the commandment to do family history research and temple work. The great work of the temples and all that supports it must expand. It is imperative. In recent years we have begun using information technology to hasten the sacred work of providing ordinances for the deceased. The role of technology in this work has been accelerated by the lord himself, who has had a guiding hand in its development and will continue to do so. However, we stand only on the threshold of what we can do with these tools. I feel that our most enthusiastic projections can capture only a tiny glimpse of how these tools can help us-and of the eternal consequences of our efforts.” The New Family Search is a fulfillment of President Hunters prophetic words. Some of the benefits of New Family Search and why members will want to use it are:
1. A major reason the New Family Search was created is to prevent duplication of temple ordinances. The duplication of ordinances has long been a concern for members and church leaders. In the October 2005 general conference President Hinkley said “One of the most troublesome aspects of our temple activity is that as we get more and more temples scattered across the earth there is duplication of effort in proxy work. People in various nations simultaneously work on the same family lines and come up with the same names. They do not know that those in other areas are doing the same thing. We, therefore, have been engaged for some time in a very difficult undertaking. To avoid such duplication, the solution lies in complex computer technology. Preliminary indications are that it will work, and if this is so, it will be a truly remarkable thing with worldwide implications.” Significantly the New Family Search will reduce duplication of temple ordinances by checking the churches temple records before and additional temple work can be done. If ordinances have previously been done, New Family Search will not allow ordinances to be done again.
2. The new family search also encourages collaboration among extended family members researching common lines, so duplicate research efforts are reduced. The New family search provides a secure site where people can share family history information and work together in order to get the most accurate records possible.
3. The churches previous programs for family search including family search, the IGI, and various temple records have all been combined into one program making this work much easier.
4. New Family Search links us into families instead of each individual with their own information.
5. By using new family search members can clear names for the temple at home over the internet.
6. When ordinances are completed the New Family Search will display the completion of ordinances within 24 hours.
7. Family History consultants are able to login as helpers to those who need help or do not wish to use a computer in submitting names. Consultants can work with and in their behalf. New Family Search will display the member at the contributor of their information and the consultant as the one who submitted it.
Genealogy does require sacrifice and work. My mother’s family has lived in South Africa since the 1600’s. In Africa around the 1940’s in order to have your own temple ordinances completed you would have to trace your lineage outside of Africa. Native Africans at this time were not able to hold the priesthood, and so members were required to trace their origins out of Africa. At this time there were no computers, no internet, and hardly the resources we have available now. My Great Granny work tirelessly to trace her family’s ancestral line back to Holland in the mid 1600’s. I cannot imagine how hard it would have been in that day to research and work with such tremendous effort simply to be able to go through the temple for your own ordinances and for the sake of your children, and of course for that of your ancestors. 51 years ago when finally all their roots had been established out of Africa, they faced yet another obstacle; at that time there was no temple in Africa and wouldn’t be for 30 more years. My Granny and Oupa knew the how vital temple work is and for their families salvation together, their need to be sealed together for all eternity. For years they saved money and prepared names of their ancestors to take to the temple. Finally in 1958 with a toddler and newborn in their arms they bid farewell to their homeland and their families, to their jobs, their security and their possessions and embarked on a 3 month journey by boat to Los Angeles, California. There they enjoyed the fruits of their labor of love and were sealed as a family and to the ancestors. If only we could all have such strength and courage and determination to get this work completed, I can hardly comprehend how truly blessed we are to live in close proximity to a temple and to have such amazing tools like New Family Search to ease and facilitate in our genealogical work.
Brother and Sisters I love this work. I know the lord will provide all that will be required to accomplish it as we devotedly do our part. May the lord bless each of us as we make our contribution to this great work, which we must accomplish in our day, I humbly pray in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Funny Story
So the other day Jack was in the living room playing with toys in the morning, I ran out to the garage to get a package of hamburger out for dinner. The deadbolt was unlocked so i thought both locks were unlocked. I always close the door so Jack doesn't try to escape and fall down the stairs. I go get the hamberger and tried to go back inside... LOCKED. At this point im thanking my lucky stars for not just being in my garments. I run out back to see if by any miracle the sliding door in unlocked... LOCKED. Great, I think, Im stuck outside its 35 degrees, my 1 year old baby is on the loose inside and my phone is inside with him, as well as any spare keys. FRANTIC FRANTIC PANIC. So I run over to the neighbors house, the older lady opens the door and sees me looking like a basket case, I quickly ask if I can use her phone, she looks a little guarded and unsure and looks at me like WHAT?? So I explain my pickle. She lets me in, I call dan and thank my lucky stars again that he anwers his phone. I tell him that I am locked out and I need him to come home to let me in. He laughs. I start to cry even more and say NO, Jack is inside still and Im locked out. He decides this is no laughing matter and says Ok ill be there as quick as I can. So I go around back and Jack comes over and we play funny face on the glass door till dad gets home. I sob the entire time. Dad gets home and we are all saved.
Monday, October 5, 2009
In case you haven't looked outside today, or incase you are unlucky and live down south.. There is SNOW beautiful SNOW today!!!! I knew I would love Idaho.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Happy Birthday Little Man!!
Today we celebrated Jack's birthday. It was so much fun. We had a pretty good turn out and I think everyone had a good time and the cousins seemed to have a blast. When everyone arrived we sang and let Jack have his cake. He wasn't too interested in eating it unless Aunt Kara helped (Aunt Kara is a solid source of sugar).
Cakes are pretty fun to feel. But how do they taste Aunt Kara???.............
Oh so good.
Cakes are great...what can I say??
We of course had the party in the garage due to the mess and the number of people. One of the best parts of the party in my opinion was the PUMPKIN PIE and EGG NOG!!! Don't you love the season?? Cause I know I do.
And then we had to do a pumpkin pinata. Jack wasn't so interested in that, and he wasn't very interested in the presents either.... he was in fact interested in the heater. Pinatas are always fun.
And Here is my niece Natalie and my great nephew Gavin (I know... can you believe I am a great Aunt?? I'm getting over the hill...) Obviously jack is 1 year old here, Gavin is about 4 months old. Gavin is 3 ounces heavier and they are the same height. I'm thinking we should enter them in a mini sumo wrestling meet. They are destined to be great buddies.
We of course had the party in the garage due to the mess and the number of people. One of the best parts of the party in my opinion was the PUMPKIN PIE and EGG NOG!!! Don't you love the season?? Cause I know I do.
And then we had to do a pumpkin pinata. Jack wasn't so interested in that, and he wasn't very interested in the presents either.... he was in fact interested in the heater. Pinatas are always fun.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Today was Jack's 1 year checkup. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JACK!!! Man time really flies. Everything looks good, his weight was 18 pounds 14 ounces which puts him at 4% for weight. His height was 27 inches or 0.4%. Still short, he must take after gram and oupa. I can't believe how much they change in one year.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
CPA update!!
Dan and I have been a little stressed over getting his third CPA test results back. He said that it was by far the hardest material. The tests are interesting in that the better you do the harder the questions will get (its taken on a computer of course). So the last question is a simulation and it was quite difficult so we were stressing wondering it that was a good or bad thing. Anyways we were sick of waiting so Dan called yesterday to see if they had sent the results and she was able to tell him his score. 92% YIPPY!!! great job Dan, you are brilliant! Remember only 10% of test takers pass all four test the first time! 3 down 1 to go!!!! SOOO CLOSE.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Has it really been 2 months??
Well I was recently told my my sil Patty that I need to jump back on the blogging band wagon. We have had a pretty good summer but my only excuse is that I have been too lazy to blog about any of it. So everyone take a big deep breath and lets begin...
Just shy of 9 months (so lets see back in the end of June) Jack got his first tooth. He has since acquired 2 more. Those teeth are sure hard work.
When the latest Harry Potter Movie was released Dan and I really wanted to go see it, but what could we do with our little Charlie Brown?? So we got some dinner and headed off to the Drive In.
It was pretty fun for the first 30 minutes. The movie started after dark and ended around 1. Never Never again will I go to the Drive In with a baby. BAD IDEA. Jack had a very hard time falling asleep in a nonmoving car and sleeping on the slanted back seat. Dan and I were totally exhausted.
Jack has become much more wiggly and has become very creative in his sleeping habits...
He is always good for a laugh. Honestly, how can that be comfortable?
Only July 27th this little man learned to crawl. And this is what I found him doing in his closet.. Being mobile is AWESOME!! Needless to say the snack bag has become a seal tight tupperware.
In August Jack and I made a trip to see RJ, Stacy and Kambree for a few days. We had loads of fun making stinkin cute crafts (ill remember to get some pictures posted of them) and letting Jack and Kambree play. They do very well together. Then Stacy and I headed to Evanston for Patty's baby shower. It was SOOO much fun. Im so excited for Oaklee to come, Patty got way cute stuff. I still can get over the cute car seat cover and Darci's darling burp wrags. Great ideas. Then we headed off to Gram and Papas house and played and played and spent time with Aunt Pam and kids.
The kids had fun playing outside.
RJ and Kambree on Butter. Some of you might be shocked to know that Jack has not been on a horse yet... *GASP*
Jack showing off his chompers.
The Crawling crazy baby. We love him so much.
My little buckaroo playing with animals. Its so crazy how fast they grow.
Is there a plubmer in the house?
He just learned how to open the cupboard doors. Its an exciting new world. I think he considers this his office.
We crack eachothe up.
Well there have been a new few things in Jacks life that we are trying to catch on video. We will save that for another post. Jack finally got to meet Uncle Kevin and Aunt Kim, it was fun to see them. Jack seriously adores Kim. As for Dan he has been studying for his CPA exams literally all summer. He has passed 2 of the 4, we should hear about test #3 any day now. Dan said it was probably the hardest test, so cross your fingers and pray for us. A little CPA trivia, only 10% of the people the take the CPA test pass all 4 tests the first time. So seriously cross your fingers, and maybe your toes. Test #4 is Oct 22. We really hope to be done with these tests soon. They have been a major pain, but will be so worth it. As for me I have been busy chasing Jack around. He is too much fun. I've also been working on genealogy with newfamilysearch. Its amazing. I finally submitted my first 1o or so names to have ordinances completed, its been a fun adventure. Thanks so much to my mom in law for teaching me so much and helping me get started. Its been a lot of fun to go spend time with grandma and grandpa while mom figures out this genealogy business. Jack is slowly getting better about eating table food, and by slowly I mean SLOWLY (unless its cookies from Aaron, cookies or rootbeer floats from Kara, or raspberry pie and ice cream from grandma..... then suddenly we know just how to eat). He still pukes us food a lot if he doesnt like it. Ive been trying to get him started on cow milk. He thinks im poisoning him or something. Any suggestions?? On another note kind Kara let me bottle (not can because that doesnt make any sense) apple sauce, apple butter (seriously deliciouis) and we did some freezer corn. It was a lot of fun. Thanks for teaching me Kara. Im tired its late, Ill post again when I have remember what else has been happening.
Just shy of 9 months (so lets see back in the end of June) Jack got his first tooth. He has since acquired 2 more. Those teeth are sure hard work.
When the latest Harry Potter Movie was released Dan and I really wanted to go see it, but what could we do with our little Charlie Brown?? So we got some dinner and headed off to the Drive In.
The Crawling crazy baby. We love him so much.
Is there a plubmer in the house?
We crack eachothe up.
Well there have been a new few things in Jacks life that we are trying to catch on video. We will save that for another post. Jack finally got to meet Uncle Kevin and Aunt Kim, it was fun to see them. Jack seriously adores Kim. As for Dan he has been studying for his CPA exams literally all summer. He has passed 2 of the 4, we should hear about test #3 any day now. Dan said it was probably the hardest test, so cross your fingers and pray for us. A little CPA trivia, only 10% of the people the take the CPA test pass all 4 tests the first time. So seriously cross your fingers, and maybe your toes. Test #4 is Oct 22. We really hope to be done with these tests soon. They have been a major pain, but will be so worth it. As for me I have been busy chasing Jack around. He is too much fun. I've also been working on genealogy with newfamilysearch. Its amazing. I finally submitted my first 1o or so names to have ordinances completed, its been a fun adventure. Thanks so much to my mom in law for teaching me so much and helping me get started. Its been a lot of fun to go spend time with grandma and grandpa while mom figures out this genealogy business. Jack is slowly getting better about eating table food, and by slowly I mean SLOWLY (unless its cookies from Aaron, cookies or rootbeer floats from Kara, or raspberry pie and ice cream from grandma..... then suddenly we know just how to eat). He still pukes us food a lot if he doesnt like it. Ive been trying to get him started on cow milk. He thinks im poisoning him or something. Any suggestions?? On another note kind Kara let me bottle (not can because that doesnt make any sense) apple sauce, apple butter (seriously deliciouis) and we did some freezer corn. It was a lot of fun. Thanks for teaching me Kara. Im tired its late, Ill post again when I have remember what else has been happening.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Yum Yum
Friday, July 24, 2009
The Zoo
When I went down to Utah to see family in June we decided to have a fun day at the zoo. It was fun with all the kids, they all had a pretty fun time even though it was sweltering hot. I've never seen Jack get so dirty in his entire life. Here he is playing on the table while we get lunch ready.
He also had a fun time harassing Aunt Sina. Her hair is just perfect to pull.
This picture reminds me of cousin Ellie. I don't know why, its just does.
We all went on the carosel. Jack thought it was a swell time holding onto the rail thing, Im sure it was covered in all sorts of friendly germs. We got to ride the seal. Kambree and Aunt Stacy had a good time too. Carol of course rode the tiger. I think Carol and John really loved it, and Gram loved watching all the grandkids.
Isn't she darling?? She is so much fun and what a cutie!! Poor little lady got pretty hot though, look at those rosy cheeks.
Jack and Gram, just going around and causing trouble as usual.
John, Carol-Anne, and Aunt Sina really liked looking at all the animals. They were very interested in all we were seeing, especially the giraffes and tiger.
And here is funny little Kambree doing a funny dance to the carosell music, she thought it was pretty fantastic to run around and have a good time.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Im asking for all my readers advice. I seriously don't know what to feed this child. Please help with any and all ideas. It seems that everything I feed him (minus gerber puffs and jello) that has texture he gags and throws up. Today I tried a tiny bit of yogurt and a tiny tiny couple pieces of grilled cheese sandwhich, gag gag puke. He no longer likes to self feed gram crackers and i cant even feed him grahmcrackers, he wont self feed puffs he just plays with them, he wont self feed or really even eat cheerios, he hates toast, he hates gerber meals of any kind except those including sweet potatos like sweet potatos and corn or turkey or chicken, and thats it. He hates green gerber foods. He hates egg. He hates rice. And so, Im a first time mom and I dont know what Im doing and I dont know what to get him to eat or how to get him to feed himself finger foods or drink more often from a sippy cup....... HELP!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Kudos to Kara
As always I give thanks to Karas wonderful genius when it comes to sales and couponing. She is AMAZING! Thanks for the coupons Kara, I was able to get 10 bbq sauces, 20 pounds boneless pork loin, and 30 boxes of mac and cheese for about$18, and saved $70. SWEET. I know you are thinking but wait T doesn't like pork loin?? Well I will tell you this, there is ONE count that again ONE good way to eat BONELESS pork loin:
Cracker Pork Loin
3 pork tender loin
1/2 pkg. Ritz crackers
1/4 pkg. saltine crackers
1 egg
Salt and pepper pork chops, place in beaten egg, coat in crackers (crackers have been smashed in a baggy) cover pan with vegi oil. cook pork loin till golden brown. put in glass dish cover with foil bake at 350 till done (20-30 min). Eat will homemade country gravy.
I never said it was healthy because it certainly isnt but it makes a wonderfully delicious fall/winter chilly night meal. Ok you can have it in summer too, but who likes eating hot food in summer?
Cracker Pork Loin
3 pork tender loin
1/2 pkg. Ritz crackers
1/4 pkg. saltine crackers
1 egg
Salt and pepper pork chops, place in beaten egg, coat in crackers (crackers have been smashed in a baggy) cover pan with vegi oil. cook pork loin till golden brown. put in glass dish cover with foil bake at 350 till done (20-30 min). Eat will homemade country gravy.
I never said it was healthy because it certainly isnt but it makes a wonderfully delicious fall/winter chilly night meal. Ok you can have it in summer too, but who likes eating hot food in summer?
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Round and Round the Merry Go Round....
After our fun weekend in JH, Jack and I went to stay at my parents house in Spanish Fork for a week. To exercise the horses my parents have a hot walker:

Its a machine that goes in circles and leads the horse to give them some exercise each day if you dont have time to ride. My parents also have 2 of these on their swing set:

We call these horses "hammerdragons" .... long story. Anyways Gram and Papa thought it would be a great plan to but the hammerdragons on the hot walker as well as one regular baby swing and an orange car baby swing for jack, the very first makeshift Merry Go Round for all the grandkids! Caron and John LOVED it, I loved listening to Carol giggle with delight, Kambree isn't really sure what to think of it. Jack had a ball, I think if i let him he would stay in that thing for hours. He looked like such a little funny duck going around and around with his little cubby legs sticking out the bottom. He would get pretty excited and start kicking his legs and rocking back and forth, and he thought it was pretty fun to hold onto the ropes. Great idea Gram and Papa to keep the kiddos entertained! Patty aren't you excited for what little Oaklee gets to do next summer??
Friday, July 10, 2009
"Camping" and Jackson Hole
Over Fathers day weekend my dad, dan and my brother Mitch went fishing up to Lewis Lake (its a tradition on fathers day). So my mom, Jack, and I decided to tag along and camp in the cabins up at yellowstone while the boys camped. Then while they fished for two days we headed up to Jackson to do some tourists stuff and some shopping. You can neever have to much moose stuff right? Jack thought the hotels were pretty sweet living... chillin in jammies on a bed of pillows, playing with toys while Gram hand feeds me some fudge... yes this camping stuff isnt bad at all. It was fun to go around Jackson and see the sights. I got to stop in my favorite gallery Wild By Nature Gallery and I even got the meet the photographer Henry Holdsworth. Im a big fan, my moose picture that I know EVERYONE loves (haha) is from that gallery. We also stopped by another gallery Under the Willow, featuring the talent of Abby. Well Abby basically brought photography to JH and has been around forever, and knows my grandpa. When we stopped by he was also there so he asked about grandpa and this is how the conversation went:
Abby : Oh yes I know Mike (grandpa) well, he has lived here for years, and did a lot of work on the buildings downtown. You know he lived in star valley before here and has a place there?
My mom: Star Valley? No actually he never lived there, he was in Evanston then Bountiful then Jackson, and has a place here and in evanston and arizona now.
Abby: No he lived in Star Valley before.
My mom: Um no I dont think so he...
Abby: Yes he's from there, he lived in star valley.
My mom: No, I think i would know....
And this is where I couldnt handle this conversation anymore, neither was making much progress in their argument. It was truely hilarious though they honestly just kept going and going, so I felt it was time to end the madness....
Tiana: Mom (with a shake of a head and eyes that are trying to convey a message to stop, similar to those a mother gives her child)
Tiana: Wow I really love that picture.....
and so it ended.
Oh course we had to get pictures by the Elk Antler Arches. True tourists ya know. Saturday afternoon we met the boy in Jackson and got to see how they did on the lake...
Yes, true story, this beast is taking up residence in MY freezer, but I guess its MY freezer or MY wall. It sure was a fun trip.
D.J. Diaper
Yo Yo man whats be more wicked than jamin' with your hawt Bose headphones and killin' the ladies in your jammies? Yo Yo man just call me DJ Diaper.
Headphones with Strunz and Farrah groovin' it..check, puzzle... check, boat... check, Dr. Pepper to keep me going while I study diligently for my Car Parking Attendant (CPA) exam.... double check.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
9 Month Checkup
Wednesday was Jack's 9 month checkup. It went well, no shots, so Jack was pretty happy about that. He now weighs in at 17 pounds 4 ounces. Apparently he completely fell of the weight curve he was following, and is now in the 6th percentile. But if you ask me, or anyone who has seen him for that matter, he is still rolly polly, I don't think he would be considered starved, although he might beg to differ at times. Regardless I have to take him in every month for a weight check. This makes me laugh a little Jack has 2 cousins that are a year older than him and he is pretty close to their size, and Im pretty sure they are absolutly healthy. He is now 26.5 inches tall, he grew 1.5 inches since last time! They said he is still "short", I say ya right. All in all he is healthy and doing great. I am now feeding him more "real" food. Its not going very well. He likes sweet potato puffs and gram crackers. So far he gags on mashed potatos, eggs, toast.. the list goes on, he is SO PICKY! Although he had a taste of bbq sauce, and Aunt Karas sloppy joes and it seemed alright, also jello. Oh and he wont eat anything green, peas.... gag... green beans... gag. So if you wouldnt mind giving me some comments of ideas of what I could feed this child that would be AMAZING!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Dan in Real Life
This is Dan. Dan is my husband. I love him. He aspires to be a pilot. He even has the shades to prove it. I love him. I love his dimple. I made him pose for these pictures. He hates it. I love it. I love him. He loves me. So he lets me make him pose for pictures.
Not quite the airplane size he wants to fly. It does the job for now. He's a pretty good pilot. He says he is going outside to do some work. Work means flying apparently. I love him. Jack loves him. He is starting to say dadadadadadada. Jack is not Dan. Dan flew a plane into a power line. We got a good laugh out of that. I don't know how the power company man was thinking. I love dan. He's a good man. He makes me happy. He makes me smile. Forever.
Rain Rain dont go away stay around a few more days
I know you are thinking "has she gone completely mental??" The answer is no, no I don't believe so. I know we have been living through a monsoon but we just finished prepping our yard and had it hydroseeded yesterday!! HURRAY! Its been a long month getting it all ready, and so if it decides to keep raining, thats quite alright by me, less watering I have to worry about, and then I dont fret about the sprinkler system, since it is set to water 3 times a day.
And here is me and Jack doing some managerial work, you know being the supervisors, making sure daddy is doing everything right. Dont be decieved by how the snugglie makes me look, I'm NOT pregnant.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Friday, June 12, 2009
Cinco de Mayo among other things...
Is it really June already? My my where did May go? It came as a shock that my last blog was April 30. But here we are again....
I love this picture of my 7 month old love. It reminds me of the lame pictures people always take of themselves and put on myspace or facebook or whatever. You know the serious face, they are trying to be cool and "artistic" or some rubbish, trying to show how beautiful they are...... nice job Jack, im sure you would find many potentials on eharmony....
And this is the cockeyed smile that has a vice like grip on my heart.
For cinco de mayo we had some people from our ward over for a little fiesta. It was a good time with enchiladas and tacos... mmm...mmmmm... anyways they brought us (or rather Jack) a gift, so he can nurture his maraca playing mariachi skills, do you think maybe they will add maracas to rock band someday?? If so he's your man, or baby, or something.
This was more than a month ago, don't worry he has vastly improved his shakin' skills, now that he can sit up and shake at the same time without much effort. But he sure loves those maracas, must have a little Latino in him.
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