Monday, September 29, 2008
"Bailout" is BOGUS
Dan brought this post on the Coyote Blog to my attention. It really sums up why this proposed bailout is such a load of crap. I for one am very very HAPPY the house did not pass it. I do believe that a real free market system will work its way through this, if only we let it. I urge you to read this.
General Conference Activity Book

Wow I just read a post on Suzie, my sister in law's, blog and I thought it was so neat and such a great idea that I would try to spread this idea a little bit further. So all of you who have children or are planning on having some one day you can now find these AMAZING packets online that will help your children watch conference with you and also help you to be able to watch it yourself. Here is the site that is linked from Suzie's Blog. They are fun little activity books try it out and tell me how it goes!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
The Greatest Show on Earth
Last night I went to my very first circus. My mom and dad had tickets to take carol and john but my dad ended up not being able to make it, and my sister had to work so I was the lucky #3 candidate! It was actually a great time minus Jack squirming like crazy... apparently the noise is not conducive to his sleep schedule, or he thought we were in WWIII or something. Our seats were great! They were pretty well centered and on the floor. So it was all up in your grill ya know? Carol and John had a blast. John loved the motorcycles of course... surprise surprise. And Carol loved the tigers... surprise surprise. Seriously though one of the tigers was HUGE! and when he started bouncing around like tigger it was insane. I loved all the prancing horses and the craz
The acrobats were seriously amazing, its a wonder h
Carol-anne and John having to much fun.
The Cool Elephants doing their thing.
Well here you go, these are some pictures of my enlarged pregnant self. You know when you see a pregnant lady you almost always think "oh look at her, she is so cute with that little pumpkin belly...ooooooohhhhhh." For some odd reason that is what I thought I would think of myself as. I have been rudely awakened and honestly I don't feel that way at all. When I see other pregnant people I still oogle at their cuteness but it really doesnot work that way for myself. I feel more like an oversized balooga whale. But hopefully all of you don't see it that way. Here is me about 7.5 months pregnant:
And her is me now at just barely 9 months:
And here is how I feel about the whole 9 month ordeal---->>>>>>>>
Season 5 of THE OFFICE
On Thursday was the season 5 premier of "The Office." For those of you who haven't watched it yet you are really missing out. This show is such a great spoof on reality t.v. Here are some quotes from the episode that might make you laugh again...
Andy Bernard: Andy Bernard does not lose contests. He wins them. Or he quits them because they're unfair.
Jim Halpert: I don't really know Ronnie. But I have a feeling I will get to know her very well over the next few years. And eventually declare my love for her.
Kelly: [looking sick] I'm on the third day of my cleanse diet. All I have to do is drink maple syrup, lemon juice, cayenne pepper and water for all three meals. Um, I just bought some bikinis online size 2 so.. I'm gonna look amazing.
Phyllis: Yes, uh, I've replaced Angela as head of the party planning committee. [flash back to catching Angela and Dwight in the act] I guess I was just in the right place at the right time.
Ryan Howard: Jim. I wanted to apologize...for how I treated you last year. I lost sight of myself and now that I've quit the rat race I've realized there's so much more to life than being the youngest VP in the company's history. I've even started volunteering. Giving back to the community.
Jim Halpert: Well that's great. [shakes Ryan's hand] You're talking about your court ordered community service?
Ryan Howard: I don't need a judge to tell me to keep my community clean.
Jim Halpert: But he did, right?
Ryan Howard: Alright.
Jim Halpert: Alright.
[cuts to Ryan in an interview, where writes down Jim's name on a revenge list]
Angela: [yelling at Kevin] Listen, Dummy! It's not that hard! All you have to do is take the numbers from the sales report and type them into a master spreadsheet. A GD monkey could do it. I do not understand why you can't do it.
Holly: No! You DO NOT talk to him like that.
Angela: But he's an idiot.
Kevin Malone: Hey.
Holly: He is not an idiot...
Kevin Malone: Thank you, Holly.
Holly: ...he is mentally challenged. But he's doing a super job here.
Kevin Malone: Wait back up. Do you think that I'm retarded?
For more quotes see this site
Andy Bernard: Andy Bernard does not lose contests. He wins them. Or he quits them because they're unfair.
Jim Halpert: I don't really know Ronnie. But I have a feeling I will get to know her very well over the next few years. And eventually declare my love for her.
Kelly: [looking sick] I'm on the third day of my cleanse diet. All I have to do is drink maple syrup, lemon juice, cayenne pepper and water for all three meals. Um, I just bought some bikinis online size 2 so.. I'm gonna look amazing.
Phyllis: Yes, uh, I've replaced Angela as head of the party planning committee. [flash back to catching Angela and Dwight in the act] I guess I was just in the right place at the right time.
Ryan Howard: Jim. I wanted to apologize...for how I treated you last year. I lost sight of myself and now that I've quit the rat race I've realized there's so much more to life than being the youngest VP in the company's history. I've even started volunteering. Giving back to the community.
Jim Halpert: Well that's great. [shakes Ryan's hand] You're talking about your court ordered community service?
Ryan Howard: I don't need a judge to tell me to keep my community clean.
Jim Halpert: But he did, right?
Ryan Howard: Alright.
Jim Halpert: Alright.
[cuts to Ryan in an interview, where writes down Jim's name on a revenge list]
Angela: [yelling at Kevin] Listen, Dummy! It's not that hard! All you have to do is take the numbers from the sales report and type them into a master spreadsheet. A GD monkey could do it. I do not understand why you can't do it.
Holly: No! You DO NOT talk to him like that.
Angela: But he's an idiot.
Kevin Malone: Hey.
Holly: He is not an idiot...
Kevin Malone: Thank you, Holly.
Holly: ...he is mentally challenged. But he's doing a super job here.
Kevin Malone: Wait back up. Do you think that I'm retarded?
For more quotes see this site
Monday, September 22, 2008
Pumpkin Addict?

Moving Day

Well I suppose this is where I start begging and pleading. Dan and I have decided that we are going to move all of our stuff up to Idaho on Saturday October 18. We plan on loading Saturday morning if any of you in the Salt Lake region are around and have nothing to do on your Saturday morning any help would be great. Considering my condition I wont be much help with loading and unloading, so this is my plea for Dan since I wont be much help besides having everything packed he could really use any help. We are hoping that the elders quorum come through and help us out a bit too. From Salt Lake Dan and my parents are planning on driving up to Idaho for the unload. They are refusing to take me if I havnt popped yet. (something about fears of going into labor in the wrong state or something, I kinda figure hey if I havnt popped a bumpy Uhaul might do the trick right? but they arent buying it). So all of you fine folks on the Idaho side if by any chance you can enlist your husbands on Sat Oct 18 that would be great. I know you all do so much already and that you lead crazy busy lives, but any help would be great. I am trying to round up as many muscles as possible for it to go easier and faster. I am kind of feeling a bit useless since I cant pitch into the grind of my own moving expedition. I will let you know if anything changes and timeframes as we get closer to October 18. You may be wondering what if I decide to pop while my parents and Dan are up in Idaho... well then we REALLY need your help. Thank you so much.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Last Day of Work
Alrighty then today is my official last day of work!!!!!! SOOO exciting. Here is a little recap of what I did today:
First 4 hours as a nurse's elfin helper: WARNING DOES CONTAIN SOME GRAPHIC CONTENT
1. greeted my patients and found their needs
2. had a good bye junk food party with apple pie chips and salsa brownies....
3. took a blood glucose
4. took vital signs and emptied 4 foley catheters, 3 JP drains, 2 urinals, 1 wound manager, and changed 2 briefs
5. took 3 more blood glucose
6. changed a nasty bed, cleaned a basketball size scrotom smeared in diarrhea and urine
7. placed a foley catheter
8. charted
Second 4 hours as a health unit coordinator (HUC):
1. answered ~6 phone calls
2. surfed the web, blogs, email, news
3. did the census
4. programed the phones
5. played who wants to be a millionare
6. played chuzzle for 1 hour
7. watched the clock tick tock tick tock tick tock
Well what do you think? Can you see why it was much nicer being a HUC than a nurse assistant? All I can say is I am excited for 11:00 to come around. Only about 15 more mintues then im free as a bird. Off to my little condo to pack pack pack.
First 4 hours as a nurse's elfin helper: WARNING DOES CONTAIN SOME GRAPHIC CONTENT
1. greeted my patients and found their needs
2. had a good bye junk food party with apple pie chips and salsa brownies....
3. took a blood glucose
4. took vital signs and emptied 4 foley catheters, 3 JP drains, 2 urinals, 1 wound manager, and changed 2 briefs
5. took 3 more blood glucose
6. changed a nasty bed, cleaned a basketball size scrotom smeared in diarrhea and urine
7. placed a foley catheter
8. charted
Second 4 hours as a health unit coordinator (HUC):
1. answered ~6 phone calls
2. surfed the web, blogs, email, news
3. did the census
4. programed the phones
5. played who wants to be a millionare
6. played chuzzle for 1 hour
7. watched the clock tick tock tick tock tick tock
Well what do you think? Can you see why it was much nicer being a HUC than a nurse assistant? All I can say is I am excited for 11:00 to come around. Only about 15 more mintues then im free as a bird. Off to my little condo to pack pack pack.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Parenting 1 and 2
Today is Saturday (tomorrow is my last day of work) and i spent 4 hours in parenting classes. Some might say I am going a little overboard on all these classes but hey I am just trying to be as prepared for the unknown as possible. I saw some shocking SHOCKING pictures of a lady giving birth to a 10 pound baby. There is just something very unsettling about seeing pictures instead of video tape, it must be that it is frozen in time and there is this gigantic head crowning in the picture never to make it any farther than it is. I totally prefer seeing tapes of the action it makes it seem less permanent. I learned a few useful things that is up on the latest research (some done by the U). Such as:
1. Ive always heard you CANNOT give your baby a tub bath until the umbilical cord is off, only sponge baths. WRONG. Even the baby's first baths at the hospital are tub baths these days. The thing that you have to remember is the cord MUST be DRY after the bath. Other than that you are good to go.
Anyways I always love hearing the latest and greatest like not using alcohol to clean the cord yadda yadda. The class overall was helpful and the teachers really great and up to date. I'm sure all you moms know all this already and if you are an older mom you may disagree with the new findings but that's OK sometimes its hard to move onto what was beaten into your brain.
1. Ive always heard you CANNOT give your baby a tub bath until the umbilical cord is off, only sponge baths. WRONG. Even the baby's first baths at the hospital are tub baths these days. The thing that you have to remember is the cord MUST be DRY after the bath. Other than that you are good to go.
Anyways I always love hearing the latest and greatest like not using alcohol to clean the cord yadda yadda. The class overall was helpful and the teachers really great and up to date. I'm sure all you moms know all this already and if you are an older mom you may disagree with the new findings but that's OK sometimes its hard to move onto what was beaten into your brain.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Gambling for Pumpkins
OK, thanks to a great suggestion by Suzie I have decided to officially open on this the eighteenth day of September two thousand and eight the TAKE A GUESS FOR BABY JACK'S ARRIVAL GAME. Its not a hard game to understand and the rules are pretty basic... take a guess on what day Jack will arrive (my due date is October 28 for those who don't remember) and I will try to think of a fun prize for the winner, perhaps something along the lines of a free ticket to the fun and exciting Miller Moving Day!!! An event taking place sometime in October as well, but if my little Jack decides to arrive after that day I will have to come up with another prize..... Here are some helpful hints that might help you narrow down which day you may want to choose (although I really don't know either).
1. My OB/GYN doc goes on vacation October 12-18.
2. Closing day on our house is set October 17.
3. Busiest day of the Accountants (Dan's) work year is October 15 and they ALWAYS work late.
4. The October full moon is on October 14.
5. Have to be out of the condo on October 31. (if jacks still in by then I will not be very happy)
6. Baby Shower is October 11.
7. Closing day on the condo is September 30. (hopefully to early to come)
OK there you have it people. I think you may see a nice little pattern in the dates, in which I totally believe Jack is likely to come mostly because he can't...... OK take your guess. Only one guess per person please. And if you say mean things like November 14, I will personally hunt you down.
1. My OB/GYN doc goes on vacation October 12-18.
2. Closing day on our house is set October 17.
3. Busiest day of the Accountants (Dan's) work year is October 15 and they ALWAYS work late.
4. The October full moon is on October 14.
5. Have to be out of the condo on October 31. (if jacks still in by then I will not be very happy)
6. Baby Shower is October 11.
7. Closing day on the condo is September 30. (hopefully to early to come)
OK there you have it people. I think you may see a nice little pattern in the dates, in which I totally believe Jack is likely to come mostly because he can't...... OK take your guess. Only one guess per person please. And if you say mean things like November 14, I will personally hunt you down.
Trip to Idaho
Tuesday night after Dan's work we drove up to Idaho for a super short trip. Thank you Jason and Torrie for letting us intrude and on such sort notice, we owe you. So Wednesday morning we went and looked at our soon to be home. Dan loved it! It was such a relief. Nothing like buying a house without your husband there right? Whenever people ask Dan about the house he bought he corrects them and says that I went and bought it, and they always look at him like he is crazy. lol. Then we went to the bank and stopped by Dan's new job/office, it seems that everyone he is going to work with are really nice and good coworkers. Then we headed home for Dan to make it back in time for school in Layton at 3:00, (I decided to call in sick I was just to much of a wild and crazy day). So hows that for a short trip?
Favorite Number of the Day
Today I officially Declare it 4 Day! The best number in the world, but only for today. Why you may ask?? Well today marks the day that I only have 4 more days until I am done with work and also I only have 40 more days till my due date!! So you see 4 is a magnificent number, whomever created it was genius.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
House Hunt
Well what can I say? The house hunt was CRAZY, in pretty much every way possible, fruitful but crazy. Friday at 1:00 my mom and I made it to Idaho Falls and met the realtor Chris, she is great by the way. So we went to search through a bunch of homes, my #2 home was already off the market the previous day so that one was out. I had a list of 3 left that I really liked. One of the homes I was interested in was a short sale going into foreclosure so we had some questions on it and went back to the REMAX office to call the realtor. When we called we found out the house was under a verbal acceptance and had had 4 other offers and they were not accepting any more. So my list is officially down to 2 houses both of which I love. That night I tossed and turned and thought and thought and made lists of pros and cons and I really didnt know which home I liked more. Dan had given me the okay to make an offer on a home if I found one I wanted, but since I couldnt decide between the two I figured I would wait till Wednesday to show Dan both and then we would choose. Saturday morning mom and I were ready to head back home after some good progress, but we decided to just do a drive by of those 2 homes again just to see (we had also stalked the houses the previous night). When we drove up to one of the homes I noticed on the Century 21 sign that is said SOLD!!!! I was so freaked I called the realtor on the sign and explained that I had walked through the day before and was wondering what happened.. he told me they had accepted an offer late that night. At this point I was thinking NO WAY is this actually happening to me? Life has a great way of making decisions for you. So I start to panick thinking I dont want to lose this house that I love. I call up my realtor (who is at an open house till 3:30) and say what is happening and that I would like to wait around till she is available and write up an offer (of course I had spoken with Dan on all the latest happenings, and what do you know but what I have told him and what he has seen online he liked this house best to begin with). So the realtor is available at 3:45, mom and I decide to wait. Of course to mix things up a bit I forgot my checkbook so how am I going to write a check for eanest money???? So here we are at 11:30 am and we think HEY why not use a money order or cashiers check? AHA BINGO! Now we start to panick its getting late and its saturday and banks are probably closing!! YIKES. I called aunt charie to ask what bank would be open right now, and we are off the fred meyer to their instore bank. I tell them I dont have an account with them but I need to get a cashiers check, the sweet teller tells me that she could do it but she would also have to charge me $20, and instead go out to the atm get cash and go to the fred meyer customer service center and get a money order and they would charge me $0.50!!! NICE. So we get the earnest money and go to waste time around Idaho Falls till 3:45 comes around. We finally make it and write up the contract/offer and are done around 6pm. I was totally exhausted and overwhelmed. I was trying so hard to do it all and to be such a big girl without Dan there. When we get in the car my mom asks if I am okay (she knows me well) and I start crying my eyes out. To much pressure for a nutty pregnant lady apparently. I guess the stressometer was a little high. Mom decided it would be best just to stay another night in IF and go home in the morning. So we ate food and went back to destress. Monday the contractor accepted our offer!!!! HURRAY!! All that stress paid off. So pray for us that everything goes through. I love this house and cant wait to have it for my very own!! Sorry this post was so complicated and not very exciting.
Doc Appointment
Last Friday I went to another checkup after my little visit at the hospital the previous weekend. My blood pressure was great 118/76, no protein in the urine (do you like being updated on my urine regularly or what?), I did lose a couple pounds but hey what do you expect when you puke your guts out right? Jacks heartbeat sounded supberb when the doc finally got him to hold still so she could take it, he was moving so much and kept pushing around the doppler, my doc said "well I guess I dont need to worry about fetal movement!" When she did come in to see my my doc said "So I hear you had the most terrible care while you were here, I cant believe they didnt admit you sooner, the chief that was on that day talked to the midwife in the morning and told her to give you some more medication for the nausea, and the midwife never paged her again to let her know that you were still sick and laying on an exam table in a little cubby like room for 7 hours with uncontrolled vomiting. When shift change came and the new midwife called the chief she was REALLY upset that you were still there and hadnt got the medication that you needed. I am SO SO SORRY!" It was pretty funny talking to her about the poor care I got, but honestly I think even if I was in a room and in a bed I still would have been totally miserable, but it would have been nice to get the nausea meds a little sooner than 7 hours after the chief told her to give me the good stuff. OH WELL. She also told me she had never seen someone so miserably sick with nausea and vomiting that is this far along in pregnancy sure in the first trimester but this late in the game she hadnt seen it that bad. Maybe when I go into labor my doc will make sure I get AMAZING care lol. But I am very glad that my appointment went so well.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
The Word "So"
SOOOO.... I seem to have this weird compulsive desire to start ALL of my posts with the word "So". I dont know why, its like im prepping to tell a great story on each post and I have to start of with SO. I really have been working hard trying to think of different ways to start my post. The last month may have been a little better, but still I need to drops the So's and stop sounding like a teenage girl
'Twas the Night Before Shopping
So I have been totally over the top excited about going house shopping tommorrow morning. I printed off papers about each listing we are going to look at and ordered them from love to love not as much. Well I pretty much narrowed it down to 2 houses that I am totally head over heels for on the mls BUT...... I just checked the mls listings again because I love looking at these houses over and over and over again and now my #2 choice house is gone!!! Just like that GONE! Well I sure hope house #1 is still out there and empty waiting for a new little family to love it and slather it with moose decorations. I wont feel bad I still have like 5 backups anyway. But still my heart goes out to the little house on the pararie that I will never know.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Life is INSANE Already
I was planning on starting the actual house hunt on Sept 22-24 BUT I got a little antsy and was worried about the timing. SOOO I have compiled a good list with my realtor and I am headed to Idaho on Friday during the afternoon and Saturday morning to search through my list. Wish me luck. I am sooo excited. Could this really be happening? Could it all be coming true? I will let you know how it goes and also how my doc appointment goes on Friday morning. I am starting to feel a lot better or at least back to pregnancy normal.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Great News
Today we accepted an offer on our condo!!! HURRAY! So it officially is under contract and hopefully nothing falls through. I can't believe it happened so fast, with all this talk about how the housing market is so slow that's why we decided to list our house so early, we just didn't know how long it would take to sell. But here we are 3 weeks later. I swear it has been a zoo at this place with so many people coming through, I was shocked at the number, and apparently our realtor was also a little surprised at how many people were calling to come walk through. Anyways our offer was unrefusable and we are set to close the end of September and move out October 31st. YIKES. So the Idaho house hunt has officially began. I have already called a realtor and set up for a couple days that my mom and I can go to sift through the houses. I am REALLY excited. This is such a relief but also a stress. Hopefully my mom and I will find something, there seems to be a lot of good houses out there. Then I will just have to take Dan and show him a few that I have found and tadda we have a house. Ya right I wish it really was that simple, but I am so excited nonetheless.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Home Sweet Home
So around 2:00 pm the doc finally cleared me to leave yesterday (Saturday). I am so glad I could finally leave. It hasn't been a very fun weekend. Now I just need to concentrate on drowning myself with fluid with the help of a little zofran and Dan constantly asking/nagging me if I need a drink. I don't think I have ever drank so much Gatorade in my entire life, my tongue might be permanently dyed red. I called in sick again today (Sunday), I just didn't feel up to taking care of the sick and needy at this point. My mom and dad came to visit and make sure everything was okay today. They even brought Dan some yummy lunch and me some mashed potatoes and gravy which was delicious. I think there is just something about having your mom close by when you don't feel very well, they really do have a certain calming comforting spirit about them. All in all I think I'm getting better I will see my doc again this week for a checkup and hopefully all looks good at that point in time. Jack still feels like he is doing good, really wiggly and lots of hiccups, I can really tell that he is running out of room to grow cause things sure seem to be getting cramped in there. I hope the weekend was better for you than it was for me.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Sept 5 Black Friday
So the last couple days have been interesting to say the least. I worked till midnight on Wednesday came home and slept till 7:30. I had to get up to go to my regular doctors checkup. I got in the shower where i then proceeded to vomit my guts out. I clogged the drain it was disgusting. After some draino and some instructions from Dan (he was close to puking from the sight and sound of it) I finished showering and decided to head to the docs office in hope of some anti nausea medication relief. Upon checking in I had to ask the clerk for something I could catch my puke in. So then I was lugging around a garbage bag with tears streaming down my face because I felt so terrible and embarrassed. The medical assistant took me back and weighed me (back on track HURRAY) took my blood pressure which was a little high and checked it again and the second time was more normal. I then pittled in a cup and we found some protein in my urine once again. I told her how I was feeling and that it just came on this morning. I was waiting for my doc with tears streaming down my face while I sat there dry heaving into my garbage bag, she comes in a little shocked and says so I hear you are not feeling well. Whats wrong? is there something else bothering you, is everything fine at home? I sad yes everything is fine except i want to puke my insides out. She says Ive never seen you like this you are usually so stoic. So she asks me a billion questions to make sure I'm not having preterm labor symptoms or gall bladder issues or preeclampia pain. Then she listens to my heart rate which is racing and then the Jack who's heart rate is also a little high. But my temp is normal. She tells me she is sending me to the OB emergency services to get some fluid into me because I am dehydrated and my heart rate is too high and she wants to get the vomiting under control. They gave me a shot of phenergan to help relieve the nausea while I head up there. It didn't work. Up at the OB ER they took my vitals and put on the fetal monitor drew some labs and put in an IV. And I puked. So we wait for a little bit while I get my first liter of fluid, and a I puke. So they decide to give me some Zofran to help with nausea. I didn't work. So I puke. At this point I was in the OB ER for 2 hours and I think I should probably call Dan and tell him whats up and that I will need him to pick me up and drive me home cause I cant do it myself when they release me. Finally I felt like I needed to pittle again so I go to the restroom and get a sample for them. The nurse tells me that my labs look alright just my white cell count is up a little. Dan shows up and is mildly freaked out by the situation apparently I am not doing ok if I have an IV in according to him. So a little bit later I feel sick like I need to go to the bathroom or puke so we head to the bathroom upon returning I decided it would be fun to puke. So they shot me up with more phenergan which made me feel even worse and just sick and tired. So I puke again. At this point Ive had about 4.5 liters of fluid already and there is no end in sight. So they decide to give me the heavy duty nausea med Regalin (used on cancer patients) and finally about 5:00 I stopped vomiting, although I still felt nauseated. Its an improvement right? But the doc didn't feel comfortable sending me home not being able to eat or drink so they decided to admit me. Around 6:30 we are in our new comfy room and a normal bed that I can lay on and moan and groan. They now give me Zofran to keep on top of the nausea which did help. What didn't help was the diarrhea that happened all night long. but no vomiting so i should be grateful. Dan went home late I decided to try to get some sleep. I slept for a for an hour till they took my vitals pulse is still high but blood pressure low around 97/57. I fall asleep till for when they do vitals again bp 103/49 and pulse about 105. Getting a little better. At this point I'm starting to feel a lot better and actually feel nausea free with the medication. At 5 they draw more labs. At 6 the resident comes in for a chat and says that if I feel fine and can hold down food and water I can go home later today. Jack is doing great, wiggly as ever and a good heart beat. And I'm on a good path to recovery. So I guess we will just sit in here and wait till I can leave. I have already kept down some sprite and toast. So that's the update, pregnancy pictures will have to wait a little longer to be posted. I missed my breast feeding class this morning and I don't think we are going to make it to the ward party bbq, so much for being on the activities committee.
Peekaboo Realtor
On Thursday morning I was just hanging around the house doing the laundry making the bed yadda yadda and I was just about to get in the shower. Of course I was jamming out to some Christmas music so I was pretty shocked when all the sudden I'm in my g's and I hear some guy saying "Hello, hello is anyone home?" I freak out and say Yes I am home DO NOT COME IN YET. So i quickly pull on clothing that I am folding not even caring how they go on. I had Dan's shirt on inside out at backwards so the tag it just flapping away in the front (of course I didn't realize this till later) and I go to see who is at my door. A realtor with a man woman and baby are standing there staring at me in horror. I say "Oh my goodness I am so sorry but Gabe (our realtor) didn't tell me you were coming I had no idea. And this guy says oh I called yesterday, I then apologize because the bed is not made and there are a few things out of place (like my bra hanging in the bathroom). So I let them in and I go out to sit in my car and wait. I call Dan sobbing my eyes out because I was so embarrassed, and tell him to call Gabe to tell him what happened and that we HAVE to know when to expect people. Dan called me later and told me that Gabe had not scheduled anyone for that day, and that he was so sorry that that happened. And in the future if I dint know they are coming then just tell them they can't come in and if they want to see the place they need to call Gabe first not just have a realtor look on the mls and get our address and pop by unexpected. But can you believe a realtor would actually do that? I mean seriously???
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Soon to Come.....
I have taken a few pregnancy profile photos, soon I will post them. And you may all gawk at the rotundness of my belly.
Happy 3rd Anniversary

I can't believe it has really been three years. My heart swells when I think of the eternity ahead of us. I could never imagine having a more perfect husband and friend. I can honestly say that I believe you were made for me. I have never met someone who fits with my personality so harmoniously. You are always there to calm my fears when I am scared or stressed, you are there to hold my hand and sometimes lead me when I need it most, you patiently and lovingly explain things to me that I may not understand and that you seem to know so easily, you work harder than I could ever dream, I don't know anyone else who can work full time, be busy with young mens, and take 18 credits and still have a great GPA. You value our marriage and our family and daily I feel how much you love me. I am amazed at the number of people I know who bad talk their spouses or feel they are in a bad marriage. I feel so blessed to have you, to have a husband that has never fought with me, has never yelled at me, who never bad talks his wife or his marriage or my family. How blessed am I to have a husband this wonderful and loving. I love you and I cannot wait for our family to grow with little Jack's arrival, not only are you an impossibly fantastic husband but an amazing father to be. Happy Anniversary.
Taco Soup
Since it started to feel a smidget Fallish I decided for dinner soup would be delicious. Chili is toooo Fallish so I decided to venture out and make taco soup. It was fabulous. So I think I will share the recipe with you all even though you probably already know how to make it or have your own favorite taco soup recipe... but if not here you go. Great for a rainy day or in my case the day after.
Taco Soup
1 lb browned ground beef
1/2 onion
10 oz can Rotel tomatoes
15 oz can corn (do not drain)
15 oz can stewed tomatoes (do not drain)
15 oz can diced tomatos (do not drain)
15 oz can kidney beans (do not drain)
15 oz can pinto beans (do not drain)
5 oz can diced chiles
1 pkg taco seasoning
1 pkg dry Hidden Valley Ranch Dressing mix
Combine in a crock pot for on low for 6 hours. Delicious when served with shredded cheese, sour cream, and scoop tortilla chips.
1/2 onion
10 oz can Rotel tomatoes
15 oz can corn (do not drain)
15 oz can stewed tomatoes (do not drain)
15 oz can diced tomatos (do not drain)
15 oz can kidney beans (do not drain)
15 oz can pinto beans (do not drain)
5 oz can diced chiles
1 pkg taco seasoning
1 pkg dry Hidden Valley Ranch Dressing mix
Combine in a crock pot for on low for 6 hours. Delicious when served with shredded cheese, sour cream, and scoop tortilla chips.
I will no longer be "moderating" comments. A few posts ago I tried to use a picture of candy for one of my posts about gaining pregnancy weight, and apparently the person who took the picture was not happy about me using it... weird I know, but anyways he/she left a nasty comment and I felt it was in the best interest of my blog readers to take off the photo of candy and also to erase the comment. So I had to moderate the comments to erase it and I forgot to change it back to normal afterwards. I would like all of you to know that I will not be censoring my blog and you are free to comment as you like mostly because I like all of you and I trust that you would no comment inappropriately. I do not want you to feel that I have made this my own personal China (for a funny article on China's censorship during the olympics see Dan's Blog at ). On a funny note I thought all of you had lost interest in my blog because I was no longer receiving any comments.... it took weeks for me to realize that my settings were still askew. So... thank you for your fun comments and your continued interest in my blog. Feel free to comment to your hearts desire.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Its Raining Its Pouring... At Least It Was
This weekend was FANTASTIC. Well ok Friday was not so fantastic. I was kicked out of our house most of the day. We had Realtors bringing in people all day to look at our place so I was stuck doing errands and busying myself with nonsense. First I went to McDonald's for breakfast, smiths, jiffy lube, car wash, babies r us and I registered it seriously took forever. Then lunch with Dan then quilted bear then the mall. I'm telling you shopping when you are forced to get out of bed early is no fun. Then Dan and I decided to go to a nice dinner for anniversary at ruby river before a Real Salt Lake soccer game. We were seated fast but it took about 20 minutes for our waitress to actually show up, turns out she is pregnant and she said she spilled something on here and had to change, Dan and I think she was really puking in the bathroom or something. The soccer game was alright. at least they won. Sunday was the FANTASTIC day. It rained and rained and rained and it cooled the house down so much, Dan was a frozen popsicle in his blankie but me i was loving it. Then Monday morning we lounged around and drank hot cocoa and enjoyed the rain a little bit more. And on a great note the tree outside our window appears to be dying, time for AUTUMN!!! After rereading this post I must apoligize it is really really boring.
Am I Freaking Out?
So I have been feeling a little weird lately so I have been wondering if it is my blood pressure or maybe I am just being a nervous nilly. I took it a couple days ago at Smiths and it was 136/83, not to terrible but elevated enough. Tonight I was at work and just felt funny and like my chest was pounding, so I decided to check it again. My first reading was 174/83, at this I was a little freaked out. But I decided our machines are crap and to settle down and check it on the other arm the reading was 135/76. Ok, that I can deal with. So I waited 10 minutes and took it a third time on the same arm that gave me the high reading and it was 136/73. OK OK. I think I may be freaking out a tad, so I guess the best thing to do would be just to tell my doc when I go in for a checkup on friday??? What do you think?
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