Monday, September 22, 2008

Moving Day

Well I suppose this is where I start begging and pleading. Dan and I have decided that we are going to move all of our stuff up to Idaho on Saturday October 18. We plan on loading Saturday morning if any of you in the Salt Lake region are around and have nothing to do on your Saturday morning any help would be great. Considering my condition I wont be much help with loading and unloading, so this is my plea for Dan since I wont be much help besides having everything packed he could really use any help. We are hoping that the elders quorum come through and help us out a bit too. From Salt Lake Dan and my parents are planning on driving up to Idaho for the unload. They are refusing to take me if I havnt popped yet. (something about fears of going into labor in the wrong state or something, I kinda figure hey if I havnt popped a bumpy Uhaul might do the trick right? but they arent buying it). So all of you fine folks on the Idaho side if by any chance you can enlist your husbands on Sat Oct 18 that would be great. I know you all do so much already and that you lead crazy busy lives, but any help would be great. I am trying to round up as many muscles as possible for it to go easier and faster. I am kind of feeling a bit useless since I cant pitch into the grind of my own moving expedition. I will let you know if anything changes and timeframes as we get closer to October 18. You may be wondering what if I decide to pop while my parents and Dan are up in Idaho... well then we REALLY need your help. Thank you so much.


Suzie said...

I will help you & I'm sure Josh will too if he's not working! I am also your OFFICIAL volunteer to go to the hospital with you when you go into labor while Dan is out of state.

Torrie said...

Remember how strong I am? We will be your new house here?

Kara said...

We will be there!! Just let us know where your place is. Do you want us to take the stuff from mom and dads and meet you down at your new house?

KandK said...

Sorry, we will be in St George that weekend. SORRY!! We would help if we were going to be around!!