Monday, September 22, 2008

Pumpkin Addict?

I have been asked a lot lately what my deal is with all these pumpkins going on. Ever since I knew Jack was coming around pumpkin season I just can't seem to let it go. It doesn't help that he will be a little Jackolantern, that I currently look like a pumpkin, and I plan on dressing him up as one for his first Halloween (that is if he actually decides to come by then). I also love pumpkin pie, I love the color pumpkin and Halloween is like a great kickoff to the holiday season. I LOVE fall and winter and pumpkin spice warm drinks, I love autumn decorations. I had to buy two pairs of maternity scrubs for work and one was a cute fall pumpkin one (it was on clearence what a steal!). Who doesn't love carving pumpkins and pumpkin patches? And in honor of my love of Jack and pumpkins... my fabulous Pumpkin baby shower in October. So you may ask, whats up with all the pumpkins?? And again I say, whats not to love about pumpkins?


Sina said...

Hahahahaha! I was all excited at work today when we recieved our shipment of baby pumpkins! Pumpkins are great! Hot chocolate weather is the bomb! Can't wait for the shower it's gonna rock!

KandK said...

I have 4 pumpkins growing my garden!! I love pumpkin pie, chocolate chip pumpkin cookies and dinner in a pumpkin!!
Em was a little pumpkin for her first halloween in Florida, remember that Suzie, you were there!